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Workout Like Anthony Joshua With These Exercises, Training & Diet Tips

AJ Workout

“Think of it like this: it’s always going to be painful, your body is always going to be screaming out, but once you’ve got enough experience, you know that when it becomes physically tough your mind can take over. And you keep going because you know that there’s always ways you can improve. If you listen to the people who tell you you’re great, you’re going to take your foot off the gas.”

Anthony Joshua is the unified heavyweight champion of the world and huge mega fights with Tyson Fury, Deontay Wilder and Kubrat Pulev await the heavyweight kingpin this year and next.

Anthony Joshua has undergone a bit of a transition in recent times. Following his loss to Andy Ruiz Jnr, he lost a lot of weight and won the rematch convincingly with his new lighter and more moveable physique.

The leaner, lighter Anthony Joshua boxed on the back foot and took the W with a solid performance and showing solid boxing throughout the 12 round contest.

Indeed Joshua shed over 20lbs from 248lbs in the first fight to 228lbs in the second fight, so while AJ came in lighter, he will still have aimed to be hitting just as hard with a staple diet of heavy compound lifting.

The fact remains that AJ is one of the hardest working heavyweights in history with an insane appetite for physical training.

Lets Look At The Key Lifts In AJ’s Workout Here:

AJ Workouts


The Bench Press

A Key Component of punching power and quality compound lift for the Chest, Triceps and front head of the shoulder. Remember to work 5 sets of 5 reps for maximum strength gains and straight punches that would knock a horse like Anthony Joshua.

Anthony Joshua can bench press 140kg for about 5 good reps which is a lot of weight. Mind you this was a few years ago so he might be up to 150 or 60kg by now!



The Deadlift:

A compound lift is one that works for more than one main muscle group and the deadlift does just that. It strengthens the Hamstrings, Glutes, lower back, and forearms so it is perfect for working overall strength. Remember to keep the weights heavy and the reps low like AJ does.

Anthony Joshua can deadlift 270kgs for 5 sets of 5 reps and that is an incredible amount fo strength to possess going into the ring. No wonder he has such a good knockout ratio.

The Squat

This is one of the most famous lifts in weightlifting today. It works the glutes, quads, and core extensively and the heavier you go, the better the strength gains you will get.

Anthony Joshua shows us how it is done with his squatting, maxing out at 150kgs for 5 sets of 5 reps and really develop the English/Nigerians strength and power in his legs as we can see in this video. Joshua is a beast.


Joshua Pull ups

Pull-ups are the squat of the upper body, incorporating the entire back, and the biceps, the pull up should be performed with a weight attached so that you stay in the lower rep range and build up strength more than muscle you will have to carry around the ring.

Pullups are one of AJ’s favorite exercises as we can see from the video below. Joshua can do 20 plus pull-ups in a set and he is using this as conditioning. Far from us to tell Joshua how to train but attaching a weight for pull-ups will help him to punch harder and increase strength.

Check out this video of AJ losing a 10k bet to a friend in a gym. It looks like AJ got 24 and this guy got 25 but he wasn’t going al the way down.


Clean and Press

This one involves the core and shoulders and is one of the Olympic lifts for developing over power and strength in the shoulders. This a compound movement for developing strength in the full upper body.


Heavy Hip Thrusts

These are a perfect exercise for strengthening the glutes and the hips when you work with a heavyweight for a low rep range and a good few sets and that is exactly what AJ does. AJ is the hardest working heavyweight when it comes to putting in work at the gym and the results are clear for all to see.



Heavy Lunges

Another exercise for building the glutes hamstrings and quads while also strengthening the core and stabilizer muscles. These help to increase strength and develop balance which I highly important once you step in the ring.

AJ does tons of variations of lunges, some with dumbbells, some with kettlebells, with weight plates and others where he will isolate one leg by placing the back leg on a weights bench and also really engaging the stabilizer muscles in the core and stomach.

AJ Takes Lunges to the next level using a barbell with weights, keeping his leg on a bench to isolate one of the legs and exploding at the top of the lunge with a jump. Oh yeah, and he also adds resistance bands to the exercise for maximum strength and power gains. His work ethic can only be admired.


Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts

Joshua Single Leg Deadlift

“Why can you squat 200KG on two legs, but if I took one of your legs away, you could only do 20KG It’s about building up individual balance. You do it leaning forward [because] it builds up your core, but I can’t neglect my hamstrings, my lower back.”

If there is an exercise that can build strength, stabilize the core and give you an advantage in the ring, you better believe that AJ is doing it and that is exactly the case with single-leg Romanian Deadlifts.

You start the exercise leg a regular deadlift except you have one foot off the ground 90 degrees out straight behind you and as you deadlift the bar up to your waist you simultaneously bring you raised foot back down to the ground so you are essentially in the same position as a regular deadlift at the end of the move.


Check it out here:

Sled Pushes And Pulls

AJ Sled Pushes

That wraps up the compound lifts for AJ but the strength training doesn’t end there. AJ gets a ton of variation in his gym workouts and another very popular exercise for building lower body strength is sled pushes and sled pulls. They really engage the Anaerobic conditioning system and the pushes build the quads and the pushes build the hamstring, glutes, and arms.

These are another favorite exercise of AJ to build up his leg, core, and stability strength.



Leg Press


The Leg press is a great machine for hitting the glutes as hard as you can with a very heavyweight and AJ incorporates this into his workout as much as he can. Remember to keep it to 4-6 reps and 4-6 sets for maximum strength gains like AJ does.

If there is anyone that can incorporate a variation on this move into their workout, you know it is going to be AJ who is pictured here tying resistance bands around the machine press machine just to make it that much more difficult and get the absolute maximum gains from the workout.


Neck Strength Exercises For AJ

“To me, Mike Tyson was the founder of neck strength in boxing,”

Most boxers know the importance of strengthening the neck and as you might expect, Anthony Joshua is no different, preferring 3 strength exercises for the neck.


Neck Harness Curls

Joshua Neck Harness

The neck harness is probably the easiest way to build up the strength in the neck, you just put a harness on your head, attach a weight, lie of the side of the ring or a bench so the neck is prone and lift the weight up and down with your neck. This is a safe and effective way to do it.


Neck Bridges

Neck Bridge

“It’s holding in the position to build strength at the back of your neck,”

Don’t try this at home unless you feel comfortable. AJ lifts his entire bodyweight up with his neck and proceeds to roll around using the strength of the neck. Working the neck help AJ absorb shots and fire back quickly.


Neck Towel Kettle Bell Strengthening

Joshua Neck Strengthening

“I look at it like a pitbull has a lockjaw, so, you can’t break that jaw, everybody has an amount of pain they could take if they get punched, but if you could build up the resistance and the muscles in your jaw, hopefully, that could protect you.”

If you don’t have a harness around or just want to hit the neck in a different way, You can do like Aj and wrap a towel around a kettlebell, put the towel in your mouth, prone the neck and lift the kettlebell up and down.

Any way you work on your neck strength, strengthening it will allow you to absorb shots and answer back much faster. This move always works on the jaw muscles allowing you to take a big shot and fire back quickly.


Power Training

AJ uses a ton of different exercises to work on his explosive power and turn that strength into knockouts in the ring.


Med Ball Twist Throws

Joshua Med Ball Slams

Throwing a medicine against a wall as hard as you can, it might not like sound like much but it is something that you can put the full force of your body into.

The power comes from the legs, twists through the hip and extends out through the shoulder, triceps, lats and chest with your maximum 1 force rep to build up your power for punching



Med Ball Jumping Slams

Anthony Joshua Med Ball Slams

AJ incorporates Med Ball slams into his varied workout regimen very well. He goes into a squat and then explodes up into a jump and slams the med ball as hard as he can into the ground. This is great for building explosive power in all of the body. He then catches the med ball on the rebound, reloads and goes again without a break.

You don’t want to work too long on these power exercises as the Alactic energy system will get tired quite quickly and you won’t be able to expend your max force into each slam.


Cable Machine Punches

Cable machines are a great way to but your full force and power into your movement. AJ is often seen to use the cable machine tom practice his punching motion with full force with the intent of increasing his explosive punching power and it looks like its working too.



Landmine Machine Punches

This is another exercise that allows you to put your full force into a punching motion. AJ using these one at a time to increase his explosive punching power and he also uses 2 of them together to get the push/pull variation and work on his endurance and conditioning.


Baseball Bat On A Tire

A variation on the famous exercise of hitting a sled hammer off a tire. This works all the back muscles and the rotational muscles, allowing AJ to work on power and conditioning by smacking the bat full force against the tire from each side of the body.


Resistance Bands Work

Joshua Training On Sand

Aj is a big fan of using resistance bands in his training to make simple tasks more difficult and hence more rewarding.

AJ says, if we can make it hard in training, we can make it easy in the ring.

Aj’s will put a resistant band around his waist and have a training partner holding him back with it while he sprints, push the sled, do squat jumps or even runs forward shadowboxing with another resistance band.

He also adds resistance bands to all his explosive power exercises like the landmine punches, squats, deadlifts and pretty much anything his champion mentality wants to make more demanding and rewarding.



Endurance and Conditioning

By looking at AJ you can immediately tell that he is in amazing condition and he does it in a number of ways, never tiring of adding endless variations and pushing himself to the absolute limit.


Shadow Boxing In The Sand

“I think Brazilian footballers are much better in the world because they probably play football in the sand, so, they tend to build up strength on an uneven surface, So, if you make things difficult in practice, it becomes easier in the ring. That is really difficult when your feet are in the sand. It’s making things difficult, but learning how to adapt.”

Aj is a fan of working out in the sand, saying that by making the movement harder in training he can move more freely when inside the ring and the logic appears to be sound as AJ perfects his foot work, head movement and that famous 1-2-Left Hook combo that he is famous for.


Shadow Boxing In The Swimming Pool

If it adds extra resistance, AJ is doing it. The swimming pool is great because it takes all the pressure off the joints and you can work on your punching under the water which is a bit tougher and great for building conditioning and endurance in the arms.


Battle Ropes

Anything that is above 15 reps is going to work on conditioning and when AJ is whipping the battle ropes, he is adding endurance to his arms and back and peaking his anaerobic conditioning for when he gets in the ring.



Push-ups are great for boxing, they engage the chest and triceps to give a great conditioning and endurance, especially when you put a medicine ball under one arm like AJ to focus all the pressure on one side of the body, jumping up with the arm at the end of the movement and then switching. This is typical of AJ, who leaves no stone unturned working both arms in unison and they removing one arm or leg and working them in isolation.


The Core

You cant get a 6 pack like AJ without putting serious work into the core. We know AJ does a ton of different exercises for his core and we are here to share the best ones with you today.

“I’ve been doing a lot of bodyweight core work. Hanging on a bar, Because your core is so important. It controls so much. So I hold my body weight in the air, with my legs in position.”


Medicinal Ball Core Work

As you can see in the video, AJ’s coach McCracken, is hitting the medicine ball off Anthonys core first soft and then more hard. This is the perfect way to get the mid section ready for taking hits in the ring. Other trainers may just put on a glove and start punching the fighters mid section.

V Sits

Probably more easy than it looks sitting in an L shape with the core exposed, Aj then lifts his legs to make a V shape and then lowers them back down. This works the core muscles and the stabilising muscles getting Anthony ready for war in the ring.



Leg Raises – Dip Position

AJ gets in the position where you would normally do dips but instead raises his knees to his chest working the core for rock solid Abs.



Leg Raises – Pull Up Position

Same exercise except with the hands above the head in the pull up position and this time he is raising his legs up 90 degrees in front of him working on a different area of the core.




The plank is one of the best exercises for building core strength and Aj uses all different variations and style of the plank to develop an unbeatable core and he even gets his coach to smack him with a medicine ball to make sure he is going further than the competition even at the plank.

Check out this video of AJ in a sideplank with his feet elevated and his trainer smacking him with a medicine ball.


TRX is great for the core and stability muscles, it makes you keep you balance while doing regular workout moves like pushups, one legged squats, pull ups and it is also great for strengthening the core muscles.

“So much of what I do in the gym is to strengthen my core. I do a lot of work on the stability ball, a lot of exercises using TRX ropes and a lot of bodyweight exercises, too. It does annoy me, though, because I tell my coach that I want bigger calves, bigger arms and a bigger chest.”


Ab Wheel


Another favorite of great fighters like Floyd Mayweather, this is an excellent way to strengthen the core by stretching it to its limits and then engaging the muscles to bring it back to the starting position. This one also builds the stabilizing muscles and adds strength to the arms



When you are working on of these weights in the gym it is going to be crucial that you put in a lot of cardio and AJ gets tons of variation is his cardio as well with all different types of traditional work, variations and as usual AJ likes to spice things up as well. A lot of people are calling traditional road work unnecessary now but that is a load of rubbish, you need to last 12 rounds and roadwork is a great way to do just that.

“In boxing, for fitness you have running and skipping – they’re the old school ways of getting fit. When I first started boxing, I’d get up every morning and grind out a long run. But then they started bringing all this science into it, so speedwork has become more important.. There’s a lot of speedwork, but I also always do steady runs. So Monday morning is the long one – 45 minutes to an hour – and then throughout the week I’ll do a mixture of running, cycling and swimming to keep the cardio up.”



Sprints are a staple of any boxers diet. Boxing can go from 0 – 100 real quick so it is important that your body is used to exerting all its force in 10-15 second bursts and you can even actively recover with a jog in between sprints making it a HIIT exercise.


Joshua is an extremely fast sprinter completing 100ms in just in 11.53 seconds and beting Mo Farahs time.

Anthony Joshua And The Swimming Pool

Swimming is another effective method of conditioning your body and cardio for boxing. It doesn’t put any pressure on the knees and joints and it is just as effective as running for building the endurance systems, just ask the Klitschko brothers or Floyd Mayweather.

Swimming has tons of benefits for boxing and Joshua has even teamed up with Michael Phelps, the most successful swimmer in history to share some tips and the advantages of swimming are not lost on AJ who gets into the pool as much as he can.


“Swimming is good because it builds the muscle, it keeps the muscle active, it keeps your cardio but you don’t do any wear and tear on your joints because you’re not pounding the streets running.”


AJ And Cycling

Joshua Cycling

The bike is another way to increase your cardio without putting any stress on the joints and it is something AJ takes advantage of as well, often testing and pushing his V02 max to the limits with Cycling sessions.

“As time goes on, it gets tougher to pedal, so what it does is it challenges your muscles, In order for your muscles to work, they need oxygen, so it’s testing your VO2 max & It helps build up that muscle memory that you can put that much speed and force through your body without getting injured”



Skipping is very important for boxing. It develops the coordination between your hands and feet, builds arm endurance and works on your cardio and conditioning. It is a great way to warm up and It is a big part of AJ’s work when he is in the boxing ring.


Boxing Specific Work


Shadow Boxing

Joshua Shadow Boxing

There are tons of benefits of shadowing in preparation for a real fight and Joshua moves around the ring always focussing on head movement and footwork. Shadow boxing allows AJ to visualise himself landing the shots on his opponent and getting the knockout but also practicing the game plan for any upcoming opponent.


Anthony Joshua Padwork

After all that strength work and training in the weights room. It’s time for the ultimate release for all this pent up power on the pads with coach McCracken. You can see the power immediately in AJ’s shots as he throws hes patentend 1-2-Left hook and uppercuts that would lift a horse.

AJ focusses on his movement and footwork around the ring, making sure to always be moving his head and when the call comes to let a punch go, it is with power and explosive speed, looking to inflict damage on his opponent.

Anthony Joshua Bag Work

The heavy bag is the ultimate release for AJ’s power. He unleashes his most powerful shots on the bag to turn all that raw strength into a frightening level of force ready to land on his opponents’ jaw and score yet another knockout.

Rob McCracken is often right by AJ’s side holding the bag, talking him through the combinations and the focus rarely strays from focusing on Footwork and movement as well as striking with power.

AJ Speedbag

AJ is advanced on the speedbag and he cites increased hand-eye coordination, bring the handbag to the chin for protection and building up the endurance in the shoulders as some of the key benefits of hitting the speed bag.


If you want to step in the ring Sparring is going to be a huge part of getting ready. It is the closest thing you can imagine to being in a fight so the preparation that it offers is unmatched by any other exercises.


Sparring can be light or hard put it sharpens the tools for battle. AJ was reportedly knocking out his sparring partners in the build up to Ruiz Jnr and many of them had to go home after being beaten by the unified heavyweight champ.


Training Routine While In Camp

Joshua will hut 3 sessions per day while in camp encompassing all aspects of his training.

“The only weight I picked up during training was for deadlifts, which are for full-body strength and glutes. And that’s where the power comes from.”


Session 1: Cardio: This involves steady-state cardio like cycling, swimming or running


Session 2: Strength and Conditioning work: There won’t be too much weightlifting involved during camp but working on the core and some deadlifting.


Session 3: Boxing Training:  The main session of the day working on Bags, Pads or Sparring


“The battle’s more within myself, to get better than where I was in my last camp, my last session. And in between sets or intervals, I like to have a laugh and a joke. It builds confidence that I am fit, that I can go through the pain and have fun while I’m doing it.”


Anthony Joshua’s Fighting Fit Diet

Joshua Eating

When you are training this hard and burning so many calories, it is crucial to fuel with healthy protein and a lot of carbs to fuel the workouts.

Joshua’s Diet consists of tons of lean meats, fish, starchy carbs like rice and sweet potato, fruits, and green vegetables, nuts, yogurts, honey and

Joshua is training three times a day in camp so time is constrained and he needs to get 4 to 5000 calories per day so he will double up on his portions and still try to get 5 meals per day with all nutritious foods.


A Typical Diet For Joshua In Camp:


Meal 1: Fruit Smoothie With Protein & Oats For A Complete Meal


Meal 2: After the first session: 5 Eggs with Wholemeal Bread, Avocado & 500ml Orange Juice.


Meal 3:  Lunch: 2 Large Chicken Breasts with vegetables and wholemeal rice


Meal 4: After Second Session: Recovery Shake With Healthy Carbs And Protein


Meal 6: 2 Salmon Fillets With Sweet Potato or Pasta washed down with Apple Juice


Meal 7: Night Time Snack: Yoghurt with Nuts Honey And Fruits



Rest Is The Key

“I get 10 hours sleep a day and drink five litres of water.”

AJ understands the importance of rest for his training regimen. He aims to get 10 hours of sleep each night to let the muscles recover and be ready for his next session. He also gets massages and acupuncture up to 5 times per week.

“You push yourself to the limits every day and you recover best in your sleep, I try to get as much sleep as possible.”

Wrapping It up With A Knockout

Anhtony Joshua Weights

If you think living, training and getting in Shape like Anthony Joshua is easy, think again. The man is the epitome of work ethic and his dedication outside the ring is why he is the champ inside it.



















Christina Hammer Shares Hot Home Boxing Workout For Self Isolation

Christina Hammer shares her home boxing workout during these strange times of self-isolation as the Corona Virus pandemic unfolds. Christina was looking hot as hell as she went through some home boxing exercises to stay in shape as the saga continues to unfold.

Christina Hammer is one of the top female boxers in the world, she narrowly lost to the Women’s Goat, Clarissa Shields for all the world titles and is looking to come back for another shot at world domination as well as being one a super sexy underwear model.

If you are at home and all the gyms are closed, working out at home is a great option that you can mix with going for a run or a long walk.

Let’s take a look at her home workout:


Round 1: Boxing And High Knees

This is a good full-body exercise that gets the hands and feet moving in coordination. It is similar to skipping or jumping rope in that it develops hand feet coordination and burns body fat.


Round 2: Squat Jumps

These are great for conditioning the legs and building endurance. The jump at the end works on explosive power. You might think that legs don’t have anything to do with punching but thinking again. The force is generated from the feet up and as you turn your hips, you can significantly increase your power.



Round 3: Side To Side Plank

The plank is great for building core strength. This side to side variation that Christina is doing will really help to strengthen the lower abs and get that 6 pack showing. Christina recommends 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for all exercises in this HIIT boxing workout.


Round 4: Split Squat

Perfect for isolating one side of the glutes and engaging the core. Note how Christina keeps good control with slow movements to really help those stabilization muscles and build strength. Try get 10 each side in the 30 seconds.



Round 5: Superman Plank Push Up

This one isn’t as easy as it looks if it looks easy at all. Raise one hand and the opposite foot and then come back and do a push-up. This is going to build core strength and increase endurance and conditioning in the arms.



Round 6: Mountain Climbers

One of the most effective ways to burn belly fat, especially as part of a HIIT workout like this. lay you palms flat on the ground with the arms in an upright position and bring your knee to the opposite side of your chest.


You can do 5-10 or 15 rounds of this HIIT boxing circuit.


Check It Out Here With The Stunning Christina Hammer.


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Hitting A Heavy Bag Is Great For Increasing Punching Power – Must Read Guide

Punching bag Feature

Working out on the heavy bag is an excellent way to get a great workout, improve your boxing skills and let off some steam. We get tons of questions about hitting the bags and one of the most common is whether hitting the punching bag will make you hit harder.


Working out on the heavy bag as a beginner will definitely help you to hit harder as you develop your punching technique and learn how to sit down on your shots, turn your hips and transfer your force into the bag. By improving your punching technique, you will be hitting with more power. Also, as a beginner, your body will quickly adapt to new stimulus and punching is no different. As the body gets used to the movement of punching, the muscles involved will break down and come back stronger but as you advance in boxing, the stimulus provided by hitting the heavy bag will not significantly increase your punching power and you will probably need to turn to strength training with weights.

As an advanced boxer, increasing punching power is not something that is going to come easily. Hitting the bag will very gradually increase how hard you hit and it will maintain your punching power, but it might be time to hit the weights room, and even then you need to be careful not to pack on useless muscle that will slow you down.


Always remember, punching power is great but speed kills.


What will hitting a heavy bag do for you?

Boxing is well known for its excellent levels of fitness and those that stick with boxing long enough develop a newfound confidence and this might be partly down to the excellent shape that fighters are often in with bulging muscles and low body fat percentages.

We get tons of questions about hitting the heavy bag so we are going to answer as many as possible before getting into the best combos and workouts to build strength, technique and getting in the best shape of your life.


Will Hitting the heavy bag build muscle?

Boxing Muscle

Hitting the heavy bag will build muscles especially for those new to the sport. If you are in the gym lifting weights 5 days a week then hitting the punching bag is probably the last you want to be doing if adding more muscles is your goal.

Hitting a punching bag really works the muscles and if you are not used to the movements, the muscle will tear and when it repairs with the nutrients you put into your body post-workout, the muscle will come back bigger and stronger and better able to handle working out on the punch bag.

Truth be told, if you want to build muscle, hitting the weights gym and doing compound lifts is your best bet. To build muscle and increase your weight, you need to be in a caloric surplus. That means you need to be eating more food than you are burning and boxing burns a lot of fuel. A good heavy bag workout will burn upwards of 500 calories so you would need to increase your calorie intake considerably to make muscle gains in boxing. The heavy bag is much better for torching fat and revealing the muscles you have built in the weights gym.



The Heavy Bag Will Help You improve Your Punching Technique

If you are new to boxing and you have access to a heavy bag, consider yourself lucky. The heavy bag is a consistent training partner, always ready to workout and never gets bored. No matter how hard or often you hit it, it will always be ready for more and it will never complain.

You might have a coach or a partner available for an hour a day but when you want to improve, repetition and consistency are the keys.

I fear not the man who has practiced 1000 different kicks, but the man who has practiced 1 kick 1000 times – Bruce Lee

Boxing is a relatively simple sport when you consider that there are only a handful of different shots you can throw. The jab and the cross are your bread and butter, especially if you are a beginner. If you are starting out and want to improve, this is a good starting point.


The Jab is boxing 101: Other than footwork, it is probably the most important aspect of the sport. Practice your jab as much as you can and make sure to turn your hip into the punch to get extra distance and power. If you want to increase punching power, don’t be afraid to hit it hard. Make sure your hands are wrapped and you are wearing your boxing gloves. Don’t be afraid to work just the jab for a full round.  Double & Triple it up as well.


The Cross: This is going to be the punch you want to land on your opponent’s chin, especially if you are a taller fighter so it makes sense to put the work into developing your technique and power with the right hand. If you dip down to the left after your right hand, you are in the perfect position to throw your left hook (Sorry Southpaws, just switch left to right if you are a leftie). Practice throwing the 1-2 and the 1-2-3 with force to increase your punching power. Try throwing the 2-3 as well with the lean to the left after the right cross.


Improve Your Footwork and Create Angles

Footwork is the key to high-level boxing along with speed and technique. Practice moving in and out from the bag with the correct footwork. Start with just the jab and then add the cross when are comfortable.

Heavy bags swing and this is to your advantage when it comes to footwork. Practice avoiding the bag when it swings back towards you and also moving to the side to create angles and letting your shots go. Creating angles isn’t easy and its learning how to fight takes time. Work on the basics and build up your skills.


It’s A Massive Stamina Builder

The heavy bag is great for building stamina and endurance. Even when you are working out on your own, hitting something as hard as you can really take it out of you and whacking the bag for 5-10, 3-minute rounds is a great way to get fitter and burn plenty of calories. If you bring some drills into the equation, it can be an amazing full body HIIT workout.


Best Heavy Bag Combos For Beginners

Remember to turn your hips into the punches to generate extra power and try these heavy bag combos. Keep The other arm on your chin and bring the punching arm back to the chin as quick as you can





Jab-Jab- Cross


Left Hook(body) – Left Hook(Head)

Triple Jab

Jab To The Body – Jab To The Head – Cross

Jab To The Body – Cross To The Head

Jab – Right Hook

Left Hook(Body) – Right Hook(body)

Jab – Cross – Cross – Hook

Jab – Left Hook-Cross



Heavy Bag Workout FAQ


Will Hitting A Heavy Back Strengthen My knuckles and Wrists

A common complaint for beginners to boxing is that their wrists & knuckles hurt when they are punching and I must admit to having a hard time with my wrists when starting out as well.

Punching the heavy bag puts a new kind of stress on the knuckles and wrists that they aren’t used to and this can cause micro fractures in the bones.

The best way to overcome this is to make sure you have the correct hand wraps on at you have put them on correctly. This will ensure your hands are protected and if you want extra protection you can always use 16 oz sparring gloves.

These will add weight, slow your punches down and provide more cushion for your knuckles and wrists so they don’t get too sore.

The microfractures will eventually heal and the bone will repair itself to be stronger after a while so if you stick with boxing, this is a problem that will probably go away on its own.



Will hitting the heavy bag help me win a fight

heavy bag

Yes, hitting the heavy bag is a good way to prepare for a fight. The power, technique and stamina improvements from hitting the heavy bag should you in good stead when you step into the ring.

The heavy bag should be used as part of a balanced diet of shadow boxing, pads & mitts, sparring, roadwork, and cardio, skipping & jumping rope, strength training, core exercises, good nutrition and most importantly rest.

Being a fighter is not easy and so much goes into becoming ready to step in the ring that few are willing to take it to that level but boxing is also a great and enjoyable form of exercise.

If you find lifting weights all the time to be boring, it might be time to give boxing a go and if you want to lose some weight and get toned, boxing is definitely a good option.


How Hard Should I Hit The Heavy bag?

You should hit the heavy bag pretty damn hard if you want to. If you want to work on power hit it as hard as you can, that is the beauty of the punching bag or if you want to work on speed aim for speed instead of power.

Remember when you are fighting, every punch doesn’t have to be hard. In a four-punch combo, the last punch should be the hardest. You could set up with a soft 1-2 and then whip the left hook in looking to do damage or you throw a soft jab to the body and come over the top with a hard right hand.

It really depends on what you want to do but it is always a good idea to mix it up with softer and harder shots.



10 Round Boxing Workout With Heavy Bag

If you want a solid home boxing workout out on your with a heavy bag, here it is. We are going to work for 10-3 minute rounds with a 1 minute rest in between rounds to recover.


Round 1 – Jumping Rope


Jumping rope or skipping is a great way to increase or heart rate and get the blood flowing. It also has huge benefits for boxing like improving stamina, arm endurance and most importantly, coordination between the hands and feet.

You can do 1 -3 minute round or 2, 2 minute rounds before moving onto shadow boxing.


Rounds 2,3 & 4 – Shadowboxing

Shadowboxing is a great way to improve the techniques you have been working on, visualize yourself in a fight, improve your stamina and get yourself nice and loose to hit the bag. Work on footwork, head movement, combos, pivots, rolling and creating angles.

Predominantly use your jab and left hook in the first round, focus on movement and keeping your opponent at bay with the jab, left hook and left uppercut.

In the second round bring the right hand into it. Use light dumbbells for the first minute or two but focus on straight punches and moving in and out from the target with your footwork. Don’t forget to roll and slip punches as you move around the ring.

In the third round use your full array of punches and movements and focus on throwing combos, 3,4 & 5 punches. Go to the body and come back to the head. Focus on your breathing and get into a rhythm.


Round 5 – Heavy Bag – Jab And Foot Work

Moving on to heavy bag now and use the first round to work on your jab. Nice strong jabs into the bag, use your footwork in and out and to avoid the bag. Don’t forget to move your head, slip and roll the punches.


Round 6 – Heavy Bag – 2 Punch Combos

Bring the right hand into the equation and focus on throwing 2 punch combos in this round and utilise your movement.


Round 7 – Heavy Bag – 3 Punch Combos

Throw the 1 – 2 left hook or any three-punch combinations on the bag. Throw the shots nice and hard to increase your body. Make sure you are relaxed and breathing correctly. Slip and roll with your head and use your footwork.


Round 8-9 Freestyle On The Heavy Bag

For Rounds 8 & 9 Work on anything you like. If you are an outside fighter work your straight shots with power. If you are a shorter fighter use the jab to get inside and throw powerful hooks. Learn to breath correctly, exhale on your shots, turn your hip into them and go for the knockout.


Round 10 – Conditioning Heavybag Drills

You should be quite tired at this stage and we need one last push to complete the workout. 3 minutes of intense exercise to burn that fat, increase your power, speed and endurance.


First 30 seconds – Hard punches, hard as you can with big hooks and straights. Every punch should be aiming for the knockout.


Second 30 seconds – Fast straight punches – Up on your toes and throwing straight punches as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Use a boxing app on your phone or buy a timer if you need one.


Repeat this for 3 minutes and then enjoy a good rest.


You might want to work your core now and then wind down with a round of light shadowboxing.

Punching Bag Buying Guide – What Are The Different Types, Materials, Fillings & Styles

Art Of War Slider

So, you want to punch something. Well, a punching bag is going to be your best bet but trying to choose the best punch bag can start to become quite complicated. There are many different types out there and many different features to consider.

That’s where we can help. We’ve developed this epic guide that explains all the different types and what they are used for. Whether you want to buy 1 bag for your house or garage or you need to deck out a whole gym, we have got you covered. By the time you get to the end, you’ll have no doubts about which punching bag is going to be the best one for you.


Punch Bags And Their Benefits

Even if you never plan on getting into a ring, a punching bag can be an excellent way to exercise. For those that love boxing and want to develop skills, different types of bags are going to be able to improve your core skills and improve your technique.

There are plenty of different types of bags and here we look at 13 of the main categories. Following on from this we also look at what makes a great punching bag, answer some FAQs and also offer up some recommendations on punching bags that we think are great. Let’s get started!


What Are The Different Types Of Punching Bags?


Standard Heavy Bag

Ringside Punching Bag

Most people are going to opt for a standard heavy bag. These are usually suspended from the ceiling and are built for long-term use and to withstand high impact. It makes them great for improving your general technique, stamina and allowing you to develop your power punches.

The weight, height, and diameter of the bag can all vary quite a lot from one bag to the next. It’s important to get one that will be ideal for your specific circumstances. Want to know how to use a heavy bag, simply watch these legends do it!

Punching type: General punching, power shots, and combinations

Improves: Stamina, Power, Technique


  • Highly versatile
  • Good for improving technique
  • Heavy-duty durability


  • Require a lot of space
  • Heavy

Recommendation: Ringside 100-pound Powerhide Boxing Punching Heavy Bag

Check Out The Reviews & Get The Best Price Here:


Angled Bag

Ringside Angle Bag

The angled bag is very similar to the heavy bag in terms of its weight, fill and space required but it’s designed differently with a top-heavy shape that tapers down quickly with a much more slender body than a traditional heavy bag.

This fatter upper section allows you to practice uppercuts and hooks and is also good for straight punches. It doesn’t quite have the versatility of a heavy bag and also it’s not quite as easy to simply work on stamina.

Punch type: Uppercuts, hooks and straight shots, Combos With Uppercuts

Improves: Punching technique, power


  • Great for specific shots
  • Heavy duty
  • More shot variety


  • Take up a lot of space
  • Less versatility

Recommendation: Ringside Angle 65 lb Boxing Bag



Wrecking Ball/Tear Drop

Ringside Wrecking Ball Punching Bag

Given the shape of a more spherical bag, it allows you to throw different types of shots. These include looping hooks and uppercuts. You can also adjust the height of the bag and lower it if you wanted to work on a variety of body shots.

It’s also going to be ideal for those that want to practice different types of kicks. Some people, however, don’t like the response they get from a wrecking ball as its shape isn’t reflective of a human body.

Punch type: All types, especially looping hooks and uppercuts

Improves: Punch technique, stamina


  • Ideal for specific punches
  • Various angles
  • Versatile height changes


  • Punch responsiveness
  • Doesn’t improve timing

Recommendation: Ringside 65-pound Body Snatcher Powerhide Punching Heavy Bag

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Double End Bag

Pro Impact Double End Bag

The bags that we’ve looked at here have so far been ideal for working on power and punching technique but don’t work on other boxing fundamentals. The double end bag is perfect for working on timing and reflexes.

The double end bags are great at being able to learn how to counter punch and improve your hand-eye coordination. You’ll learn how to develop your rhythm and be able to work on your movement. Floyd Mayweather was a master on the double end bag as you can see here.

Punch type: Counter punching

Improves: Speed, Reflexes, Timing


  • Improves boxing ability
  • Adds variety
  • Works your key skills


  • Requires top and bottom mount
  • Not for power technique

Recommendation: Check Out Our Best Double End Bags List Here

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:


Speed Ball

Hunter Speed Bag

The speedball features in pretty much every boxing film there has ever been and it looks great in a montage. This will be attached from the season and is meant to improve your punching speed while also helping you with endurance.

It won’t work on any specific punch but instead helps to improve your timing while building up your arm and shoulder strength. Raising your hands above your head is very tiring which also makes it perfect for an intense fitness workout. Watch how the pros do it here.

Punch type: None

Improves: Endurance, strength, speed, timing


  • Improves key skills
  • Increases your speed
  • Adds boxing fitness


  • Doesn’t work on punch technique
  • Lack of versatility

Recommendation: HUNTER Speed Ball

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:


Wall Mounted

Canvas Wall Mounted Punching Bag

As we mentioned before with ceiling mounted bags, they take up a lot of room as with the swinging motion around them, they require more space to swing. Wall-mounted bags don’t need this which makes them more suitable for enclosed environments.

They are also ideal for those who have very high ceilings. They can be a great compromise but have the downsides of being harder on your hands and also limiting the number of punches you can throw.

Punch type: Straight punches

Improves: Fitness, technique


  • Convenient
  • Doesn’t take up space
  • Easy to use


  • Limited usability
  • Lack of punching options

Recommendation: Chengyi Canvas Cotton Training Punch Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:


Upper Cut Bag

Windy Wall Mounted Bag

The uppercut is one of the hardest punches to practice with regular bags as the punch comes at such a unique handle. The uppercut bag is a brilliant way to get power and technique into what can be such a devastating punch.

While mainly used for uppercuts, they can also be used for a wide variety of different punches. You get uppercut bags that can be either wall or ceiling athletes. They are more of a specialized punching bag for those serious about boxing

Punch type: Uppercuts (but can practice others)

Improves: Punching technique


  • Specialized practice
  • Decent versatility
  • For boxing experts


  • Limited versatility
  • Could be a luxury expense


Recommendation: Windy Wall Mounted Punching Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:



Free Standing Punching Bags

1 Dripex Freestanding Punching Bag 69''

Free-standing bags have the advantage of being highly portable as you’re able to put them anywhere you want. They are placed on a heavy base but you’re still not able to hit them as hard as you can with many other types of punching bags.

They can offer a great training method but have a very different response to a heavy bag. They are great for practicing kicks as well as punches and are ideal for those with limited space.

Punch type: Straight shots, jabs, hooks

Improves: Technique, stamina


  • Versatile design
  • High portability
  • Ideal for limited space


  • Not for power punches
  • Limited responsiveness

Recommendation: Dripex 180lb Freestanding Heavy Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:


B.O.B – Body Opponent Bag – Punch Dummy

BOB Punching Bag

Like with the freestanding bags, these are not fixed to anything but instead of a cylindrical bag, it takes on the shape of a human body. This can be good for improving your punching accuracy as you can pick specific spots on the dummy to hit.

As with the freestanding bag, it does have its limitations in terms of responsiveness and punching power. For those who have a limited amount of space at home, it can be a brilliant compromise and can be ideal for other types of fighting sports.

Punch type: All types (limited power)

Improves: Punch accuracy, technique, stamina


  • Portability
  • Ideal for compact spaces
  • Versatile punch selection


  • Not for power training
  • Limited responsiveness

Recommendation: Century B.O.B. Body Opponent Bag Freestanding Training Dummy

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:



Double Angled Bag – Body And Head

Double Angle Punch Bag

The double angled bag is a heavy bag that has a much thinner middle section which sort of resembles an hourglass shape. As it vaguely represents a human figure, it gives you the opportunity of working from the body to head.

While that sounds great in theory, many people find striking the curved section of the bag a little awkward as it can unnaturally rotate your wrist. Others value the accuracy that it helps you with.

Punch type: All types, including uppercuts

Improves: Punch accuracy, shot selection, stamina


  • Can train uppercuts
  • Heavy-duty option
  • Minimal swing


  • No movement training
  • Awkward curves

Recommendation: RDX Angled Body Punch Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:


Maize Bag – Slipping Punches

Ringsize Maize Bag

You can see these maize bags as a heavier version of a speedball with a longer chain. They are made to swing and help you to work on your head movement as you slip the bag as it swings back. This also allows you to work on your feet movement.

Their weight and size also make them a good option for practicing uppercuts. They are ideal for working on your defense and they can also be extremely tiring, allowing you to work on your endurance.

Punch type: Jabs, straight shots, uppercuts

Improves: Movement, defense, timing, stamina


  • Works your fundamentals
  • More technical practice
  • Versatile design


  • Large space required
  • Not for power training

Recommendation: Ringside Maize Slip Ball Boxing Speed Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:



Large Maize Bag

Title large Maize Bags

This is larger, heavier and hangs lower than the maize bag that we just looked at. This allows you to add more power to your shots while having those advantages of being able to work on your movement.

The maize gives a more unique response which will swing more than a regular bag, due to this, they are still not made for working on power shots. Rather than quick head movement, the large maize bag is ideal for feet movement, creating angles and avoid the bag as it swings back towards you.

Punch type: All types (lighter shots)

Improves: Feet movement, reflexes, stamina


  • Easy on the hands
  • Aids defensive technique
  • Gives a great workout


  • Not for power shots
  • Requires high clearance

Recommendation: Title Boxing Vintage Maize Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:



Aqua Bags

Aqua Bag

These are essentially wrecking balls bags that have a completely different feel. Struggle with hand issues? Well, the water-filled bags are very easy on your joints and allow you to punch aggressively without worrying about wrist/hand pain.

They are great for working on your timing while also allowing you to work on a wide selection of punches. Worried about breaking one and water splashing everywhere? Well if Luis Ortiz can’t break one then you know you’ll be safe.

Punch type: All types

Improves: Reflexes, movement


  • Reduces hand pain
  • Great for movement
  • Easy to adjust the height


  • Limited responsiveness
  • Not for power training

Recommendation: Aqua Training Bag

Check Out More Reviews And Get The Best Price Here:




What To Look For In A Punch Bag

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Leather Punch bag

Leather is seen as the best material for a punching bag but it’s also the most expensive. It’s the most comfortable to punch while having the ability to deal with the severe punishment that it’ll take as good leather won’t rip. For many people, it also looks the best and smells great.

If you have a great budget then leather is going to be the way to go. There are some other great options out there which are a good substitute.


Synthetic Leather

It looks like leather, it feels like leather but it isn’t as expensive. It doesn’t have the long-term durability of real leather or quite the same feel but it makes an excellent substitute. It’s the most common material that you’ll see due to the balance between quality and price.



Canvas is a cheap material and therefore it can allow you to get very cheap punching bags. Are they worth it? No. If you’re struggling for money then that may be enough to justify this choice but it doesn’t feel great at all. For a budget option, opt for synthetic leather.



Plastic is only really used in specialized bags, such as the aqua bags that we looked at earlier. For those types of bags, it can work perfectly. For a heavy bag, for example, it’s not so great. It’s the best idea to only get a plastic punching bag if it’s one of those special types.


What Size Punching Bag Do I Need?

heavy bag

You need to get a punching bag that matches your size and power. If you get a punching bag that’s too small then it will swing wildly when you hit it hard. If you get one that is too big then it’s not going to be suitable to work on your technique. These Everlast size charts are very useful.

Heavy Bag Size Guide

Most bags come in a fairly standard size which will cover most of your needs for all types of punches and kicks. You also need to consider where you’re going to be putting your punching bag. Not all homes and garages will have the space available for all types of punching bags.



When looking at bags that would be mounted to the ceiling, you need to see how long they are and also the length of the chain to see if it’s suitable for your needs. Some bags have a level of adjustability if needs be.

If you can’t get the right height for you then it’s worth considering other types of punching bags such as the free-standing or wall-mounted models. You need to ensure that the bag is at a comfortable and correct punching height.



Just as a fighter needs to match weight with their opponent, you need to make sure that you have a bag that is suitable for you. You can get punching bags in a wide range of different sizes and while there is no definite rule in regards to this, you don’t want to overstretch yourself.

A loose rule to follow is to choose a bag which is around half your weight. You want to have the right level of resistance and it’s important to not choose a bag which is going to swing around hugely once you’ve punched it.


Filled Vs Unfilled

When you buy a bag it will either come filled or unfilled. Most will come filled and that’s going to be the most convenient solution. Many people like filling the bag themselves as this will give them more control of its firmness as well as other features.

If you are looking to buy a filled bag then it’s worth looking at whether or not you’re going to be able to amend the filling. On some bags, you’d have to take apart the stitching but on others, there is a zip that will allow you to add or take away from the filling.


What Should You Fill A Punching Bag With?


Textiles – The majority of punching bags are filled with scrap bits of textiles. This allows for a good level of firmness while also being easy on the joints. It’s also not too heavy, allowing the bag to be more portable. Textile can also be used with other types of fill

Sand – This is used if you want a very heavy bag. It’s easy to fill but the bags need to be high-quality to ensure there are no leaks. If you want to practice power shots or want a bag that won’t swing then they are a great option.

Water – Aqua bags are easy on the joints and are more reliable than ever but a more specialized option.

Air — Air can be used for quick reflex bags such as the speedball. These are great but often need inflating again over time.


Firmness Of The Bag


You need a bag that is firm as it’s a better way to develop and work on your power. It allows you to have the responsiveness you need. While your hands and wrists need to be conditioned for punching, you don’t want the bag to be rock hard. If you’re only interested in fitness then a soft bag can be a good option.


How Much Swing Should I Look For?

The amount of swing you want will depend on your needs. If you want to work on power and punching technique then minimal swing is required. If you’re working on reflexes and timing then it’d be better to have a bag that moves around a bit.





How much does a heavy bag cost?

You can pick up a cheap bag for under $50 but others will range into hundreds of dollars. Not everyone has the budget for an elite model but you want to make sure it still has enough quality for your needs.


How to mount a heavy bag?

There are a few ways that you can hang a heavy bag. You must know whether you have the support to hang a heavy bag before you start. This YouTube video gives a good guide on how to hang one.

How to know what weight punching bag to get?

While there is no specific rule on this, the general rule of thumb is to get a punching bag that is half your weight.


Should I get a 70 or 100-pound punching bag?

As mentioned, this is generally based on your weight. You mustn’t overstretch yourself while also considering where you plan on putting the bag and what weight it’d take.


Is a 40 lb punching bag too light?

If you’re talking about a hanging bag, then probably as these bags would be better for smaller users and lighter hitters. A bag as this weight would swing quite wildly for most users.


Can you hit a heavy bag without gloves?

Without gloves, you’re more liable to injury, cuts, and burns. This should be done with caution but for beginners especially, use gloves, or at least wraps.


Can you break your hand on a punching bag?

Yes. With untrained hands and an off-center punch, this can happen on heavy bags. Make sure you’re protecting yourself and hitting the bag with the correct technique.


What size speed bag should I get?

If you’re starting out, the larger the better. As your skills develop you can move on to a more nimble and smaller bag.


Can I fill my punching bag with sand?

Not all bags could support the extra weight and they also need to be stitched well enough to not leak any sand. You should check your manual before doing it.


Can you fill a punching bag with water?

Most likely not. Aqua bags have an internal bladder that regular bags don’t have.


How can I make my punching bag heavier?

Sand is the perfect fill material for added weight but this should be done with caution. Sawdust is also a good material to use.


Are free-standing punch bags any good?

They are great for limited spaces and fitness training. They do have their limitations but can be a good solution for plenty of people.


How do I stop my free standing punching bag from moving?

If your bag is sliding around on the floor then place something underneath, such as a rubber mat. If the actual bag is moving too much then look at filling it with denser material.



As we’ve seen, there is a wide range of different bags available and it’s important to know which one is going to be more suitable for your needs. You don’t want to rush into getting a punching bag and it’s a good idea to refer back to this page if you have any doubts.

If you’re just getting into boxing, a heavy bag is usually the best place to start. There are other great bags that you can add to that in order to work on different boxing fundamentals. After a while, you can start adding to your punching bag collection until you have the perfect gym.

WATCH: CCTV Shows Gervonta Davis Punching His Ex Girlfriend


Tank Davis Punches Ex GirlfriendWe reported back in February, shocking footage that showed Gervonta Davis choking his now Ex-girlfriend, Andrea Smothers for which he subsequently handed himself into police.

CCTV footage from the arena know shows clearly Gervonta throwing a full-force shot at his ex-girlfriend and the scuffle that ensued as security staff moved in to restrain Tank Davis and prevent him from causing any serious damage and lasting damage.

Check Out The Footage Here:

It seems that Gervonta is a loose cannon similar to another ex Floyd Mayweather Protogee in Adrien Broner, who was arrested at the weekend for the second time in a couple of weeks, this time for a DUI in Miami, Florida.


Ryan Garcia Calls Tank Davis Out

Ryan Garcia Tank Tweets

Ryan Garcia appears to be everything that Tank is not, a level headed father to his baby girl and a disciplined champion in the ring who we think is going on to achieve greatness in the squared circle under the watchful eye of former Boxing champion and star, Oscar De La Hoya.

He called out Tank Davis on Twitter today saying he wants to fight now to which Tank Davis responded calling him Lil Man

Lol, relax lil man. It’s gonna come & you know it like I know it!

This is a fight that isn’t going away anytime soon and we can’t wait.

With the CoronaVirus messing up everything related to boxing at the moment let’s hope we can get over this disease and get back to normality as quickly as possible.






Boxer Billy Dib Trains Bullied Schoolkid Quaden Bayles – Stays True To His Word

Australian boxer and former world featherweight champion Billy Dib, has given us something to smile about amid all the chaos caused by the CoronaVirus, Staying true to his word and helping to train bullied school kid Quaden Bayles.

Quaden was looking slick on the pads with fast, accurate punches and quality head movement. Let’s hope that Quaden sticks with the training and improves over time so he can teach the bullies in his school a lesson.

Quaden who suffers from dwarfism did the rounds with a viral video last month showing the effects that bullying was having on him and how he wanted to take his own life.

Billy Dib wasn’t the only one to reach out and offer to help Quaden. The NRL Australian football team invited Quaden to lead them onto the pitch at the end of last month and now another dream has come true for Quaden training with Billy Dib.

Billy Dib as a boxer

Billy Dib is an active lightweight fighter who twice challenged for a world title, winning one to become super featherweight champion and has some big names on his resume such as Tevin Farmer and Amir Khan. His current record stands at 46 wins and 6 Losses with 26 KOs and let’s hope he gets another shot at a world title before he finishes up after this act of kindness. Fair play to Billy Dib and well done to Quaden Bayles.