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How To Increase Stamina For Boxing And Get Fighting Fit – Must Read Guide

boxing sparring

If you have ever tried boxing then you will know how physically demanding the sport is, throwing constant punches really puts a toll on the bodies anaerobic conditioning system and if boxing is a sport that you stick with, then increasing your stamina is something that will become a priority quite quickly.

Boxing is a dynamic sport in that it uses all the muscles of the body to move around the ring, throw punches, block punches and dodge punches. It also uses all of the body’s energy systems and while training specifically for boxing will massively improve your conditioning on its own, there are plenty of other ways that we can increase your stamina outside of the Ring and outside of the boxing gym as well. Boxing as a sport is not easy, if it was everyone would be doing it. If you have ever gotten very tired in boxing or sparring, then you will know just how difficult it is to even keep your hands up when tired, so we need to condition the full body for 12 Rounds to be the best we can be in the ring.

In this article we will look at plenty of the ways to increase your stamina for boxing and we also introduce you to each of the energy systems that you will be trying to improve upon.


A Brief look at the body’s energy system

Aerobic Anaerobic and Alactic

The Aerobic System


The aerobic system allows us to perform steady-state exercise for a long period of time from 1 minutes all the way up to a couple of hours for marathon runners and even full days for Ultrarunners. Aerobic exercise allows the body and the muscles to be refueled by oxygen through breathing. Performing steady-state cardio like running, swimming and long-distance cycle can help us improve the air conditioning system.



The Anaerobic System

The anaerobic system involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise and it is characterized by the body’s inability to refuel the muscles with oxygen causing them to fill with lactic acid which is why your arms will feel sore during punching drills, circuits or strength training. Anaerobic training will last from anywhere between 6 seconds to a minute and this is like 1-minute fast punches on the heavy bag arms where your arms feel sore and it is difficult to even hold them up. The anaerobic system builds on the Aerobic system so it is crucial to build a good base with cardio.


The Alactic System

The alactic system is like your one-rep max in the weightlifting room and it looks like the power you can generate in one punch when you’re going for a Knockout. It is represented by your maximum effort for a very small amount of time. While the anaerobic system will signify your strength, the alactic system will signify your knockout power with one punch or a 3 punch combo. It is like your 0-60 speed in a car.


There are many sports that use only one or two of the energy systems but boxing is a sport that requires all of our systems to be highly optimized and that is why training to be a high-level fighter is so difficult. It’s not just the skills required, it is also the conditioning.

Improving our stamina for fighting is really only going to involve the aerobic and anaerobic system but these systems are like a sliding scale so, if we improve aerobic and anaerobic then we should also see gains in the one rep force of the alactic system.



Conditioning the aerobic system what cardio

Boxing Stance Image


Running for boxing


Running is the first thing that will come to many people’s minds when they think about conditioning for boxing and increasing the stamina. Cast back to the Rocky movies of the 70s where he would be going out doing his road work to get in shape for his upcoming mega fight.

Running and boxing go hand and hand because it conditions the body and mind and it is also very very effective at increasing our lung capacity and our ability to last 12 rounds in the ring. There is also nothing like running for building strength and endurance in the legs.

Running 10km once twice or three times a week is a great way to get the body used to working without a break for a long period of time.

Running is also excellent for conditioning the muscles of the legs and there are plenty of ways we can adapt running to hit or other energy systems as well as being the top dog for increasing aerobic capacity.

If increasing your stamina for boxing is something you want to do then going on two or three 5 to 10K runs per week is certainly an option worth considering.

If you get a good SmartWatch you can track your heart rate, distance run and times so that you can look to improve consistently.

If you are a pro or advanced level fighter then you might even consider 10 kilometers every day or at least five days a week.



High intensity interval training in your runs

Running For Boxing Uk

Having a solid aerobic system is like laying the foundation for a house. A solid anaerobic system is where you can increase your strength, endurance and high-intensity output.

HIIT is where you run as fast as you can for 10 seconds and then actively recover for 30 seconds by still jogging at your normal place. Incorporating 15 sets of this into your long run can also tap into and improve your anaerobic conditioning as well as your overall stamina with the aerobic exercise.

Another way to blast the Anaerobic system and increase strength is in the weights room.




Sprinting is definitely going to work on your anaerobic conditioning and it’s something that all boxers incorporate into their routine at least once or twice a week.

Boxing is a sport that goes from slow to fast pace quickly and sprinting is an excellent way to get you into the condition to face whatever is thrown at you in the boxing ring.

How to improve your stamina: Aim for 10 to 15 seconds sprints followed by a 30-second jog back to the starting position and you could do this 5 times without taking a break and you can do 3 to 5 sets of that as part of a quality sprinting workout for boxing.



Hill sprints

Hill sprints at another level of difficulty to your running workouts. Running uphill leans more heavily on the anaerobic system as the muscles burn and you are unable to breathe.

It is also a well known trick for professional Fighters as they get ready to go to battle, they will increase the amount of Hill sprints they are doing every week right up until one week before the fight when they will start to rest and get into the state of mind when they are ready to fight.

You can work Hill sprints the exact same way as normal sprints, sprint up the hill, jog back down and sprint up again 5 times without a break and you can do that 3 to 5 times depending on how close the fight is and how much you want to get from your workout.



The Treadmill


The biggest disadvantage of running is that it is tough on the knees and the joints and the treadmill is no exception, but it does also have some advantages.

The treadmill is a favorite in the Ingle gym in Sheffield and that is for a reason. You can set the pace on the treadmill and then you are forced to run at pace for a specified amount of time and it can get you out of your comfort zone and push you to increase your stamina, especially if you have a coach like Dominic ingle right behind you screaming at you to keep going and push yourself to the max.

Even if you don’t have a coach and set a target and then meeting that target on the treadmill can be a good mental boost and then you can increase the target for the next week to make sure that you’re making good progress. Getting yourself out of your comfort zone is crucial to getting better when it comes to anything in life and training is no different.




Klitshcko Swimming

Swimming is a low impact exercise that can be even more effective for increasing lung capacity that anaerobic conditioning than running.

Swimming has a number of additional benefits including offering a quality way for fighters to recover actively from tough sessions and sparring.

For increasing stamina we recommend swimming 20 laps without taking a break if you can manage to or doing 10 if that’s all you can manage but with the goal of increasing that week on week to 15, 20 all the way up to 30 or 40 without taking a break.

Swimming works all the muscles of the body and it helps a fighter to focus on their breathing and it doesn’t put any pressure on the knees or the joints of the body making it a preferred training option for plenty of Fighters including Anthony Joshua and Wladimir Klitschko.



Introducing high-intensity interval training to swimming


By blasting the aerobic and then the anaerobic systems with HIIT training, we can build muscle while losing fat and increasing your stamina for boxing.

Simply Swim 1 length as fast as you can and then swim slowly on the next length back to the starting position and you can do that five times before you take your break, rest up and do 3 to 5 sets for a quality workout.



Cycling is something that is very enjoyable for many people, it is low impact on the knees and the joints and if you find a nice hill to cycle up, it can be a really challenging workout that can increase stamina, torch body fat, build the legs and allow us to last the distance in the boxing ring.

You can go on a long steady-state cycle to increase aerobic conditioning and you can introduce high-intensity interval training just like running.


Spinning class

I find spinning classes very good for increasing conditioning, losing fat and giving your energy systems a good blast to increase stamina and endurance while making you stronger in the ring.

Spinning classes are cheap and most gyms have them. Working out with other people is a great way to make friends and actually enjoy the work out a lot more.

Working out in a group can make it easier to push yourself as well.



The rowing machine

This one is an old favorite of boxers and one that I like to incorporate into my heavy bag workouts and when training alone in the gym.

If you are just starting out you could try to go for 1000m as fast as you can, which should be around 5 minutes without stopping and if you are more advanced you can go for 2 meters as quickly as you can for 10-minutes.

You can also introduce high-intensity interval training into the rowing workout by going as hard and fast as you can for ten pulls and then rowing easily for the rest of the minute.

The rower is superb for increasing stamina, building the shoulders, back and arms and it’s an underrated exercise that should be incorporated by everyone that wants to step into the ring and fight or even for amateurs and fitness enthusiasts who just enjoy boxing and want to increase their levels of stamina.



Boxing Rope

Skipping is a key exercise for boxers and it comes with many benefits including increased stamina and endurance in the ring.

Skipping is not only a great way to warm up before a boxing workout, but you can also get a full workout with a skipping rope on its own.

Look to all the great champions of the past and you’ll never find a skipping rope too far away, consider like Floyd Mayweather, Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson who are all consummate professionals on the skipping rope.

Skipping improves footwork, hand-eye coordination, arm endurance, stamina, and overall fitness.

You can work at a fast pace to really burn the arms or work at a slow pace for a long time to build aerobic strength and conditioning. You can even incorporate high-intensity interval training by moving fast and slow throughout the workout.

All in all, skipping is right behind running for its importance and getting ready to fight.


Shadow Boxing


What better way to how to increase stamina for fighting then by mimicking the moves that you will be performing in the ring against an invisible opponent.

Shadowboxing allows us to practice all of the moves we’ve been picking up in the gym, in sparring and on the bags and pads as well as trying out new moves that we’ve only seen before in our head’s.

If you do 3 to 5 rounds of shadow boxing you can incorporate push-ups, sit-ups, burpees and mountain climbers at the end of each round to make it an anaerobic workout that is really effective.



Shadowboxing with weights

Mayweather Shadow Boxing

If we introduce light dumbbells into the exercise it becomes more anaerobic in nature and it helps us to build endurance in the shoulders and in the arms.

You can also build stamina very well and it helps us to hit harder as our muscles adapt to punching with the higher weight and when we release the weight, our hands can move more quickly and with more Force.

If you’re doing 3 or 5 rounds you could consider doing one or two using the light dumbbells not more than 2 lbs in weight.



The heavy bag

Bag Work

The heavy bag can be your best friend if you want to increase your stamina and endurance for the boxing ring. One thing to make sure is that you are organized and you have a good timing app in your phone or you can set the timer in the gym for 2 or 3-minute rounds.

The worst thing you can do on the heavy bag is just hit the bag until you get tired then take a small break hit it again and get tired, you want to have some structure to your workout.

You can do a full workout with the heavy bag, make sure that you have a bag that’s heavy enough for you and it doesn’t swing around too much, wrap your hands and use a pair of boxing gloves that are suitable.

Make sure you use your footwork, move your head and you can start with just a jab in the first round, bring a right hand in the second round and then work on all your shots and work on your movement for the final three rounds.

When the round ends you can punctuate it by doing 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 burpees or mountain climbers to make sure you are increasing your stamina as much as possible.

You can also do stamina rounds when you hit the bag as fast as you can with straight punches for 30 seconds and then hit it with heavy shots for the second 30 seconds and repeat that three times for a round, to really burn it out and increase your endurance and stamina.



Pad work with a coach

Dubois Family

Hitting the pads with a trainer is a great way to improve your skills as your coach will be able to point out the errors that you are making and you can fix them on the spot. You can go and practice what you’ve learned on the pads in your shadow boxing and on the bags.

Hitting the pads is also a great way to increase your stamina and endurance for in the ring as it is very similar to all the movements required for a fight or for sparring.

If the coach sees that you’re lacking stamina, they should push you hard with punching drills on the pads about making you do burpees and push-ups to get you into fighting shape between, so overall it’s a great way to increase your stamina.


Boxing conditioning circuits

Wall Slams

Often called strength and conditioning this works a lot more on your endurance and conditioning. The gym will be set up into various different areas where everyone who is doing the circuit will do a different exercise in each area.

Some of the exercises will include jump squats, lunges, shadowboxing with weights, dips, pull-ups, push-ups or planks, mountain climbers, bicep curls and the list goes on and on.

Each person completing the circuit will spend 30 seconds on each station and move quickly to the next station without taking a break. When everyone has completed each station then everyone will take a rest together and you might do 3 rounds of the circuit and then work the core together with everybody at the end of the three rounds.

It is a great way to build up stamina and endurance for the ring while getting in great shape, torching belly fat, revealing those six-packs and building a knockout punch.



Sparing is as close to the real thing as you can get and if you don’t plan on fighting then you may be looking to increase your stamina just to perform better in your sparring.

That being said, sparing is one of the best ways to increase your stamina, endurance, and overall fighting skills.

Find a good partner who is around your level and get ready to learn together, always remember not to hit someone harder than you’d like to be hit yourself, but if both people involved in the spar want to push it harder, then there’s nothing wrong with doing that.

If you’re at a good gym there should be sparing on a certain time every week where you can go through 12 to 15 rounds of sparring within an hour or two and you could take the full next day to rest and overall that is one of the best ways to increase your stamina for the ring.




Exercises in this guide range from slow pace for a considerable period of time, to a fast pace for a couple of minutes. We are also hitting the body with a huge amount of different exercises and that is great to get it ready for all the different styles and challenges that we face in a ring whether that is sparring or in an actual fight.

Try to get a good mix of cardio and boxing specific training and remember to push yourself hard to increase your stamina as much as possible

We are new to the site and we want to help as many people as possible so if you have any questions can email us on aowboxingaddicts@gmail.com for any advice that you need.


Should I Box And Lift Weights In The Same Day – A Complete Guide

Weight lifting

For many fitness enthusiasts, weightlifters, amateur, professional boxers and anybody that wants to keep fit in general, boxing and lifting weights go hand in hand.

Weightlifting and boxing are both enjoyable in their own right and getting into a routine of both disciplines can be especially rewarding when you perform well in the ring and look great in the mirror. The problem that most people will find is that there are only 7 days in the week and they want to train in both disciplines a little both more than that and a question we get asked all the time is whether you can train both in the same day and the answer is yes.


If you are a professional fighter it will come as no surprise that you can train twice or even three times in a day coming up to a fight but, also, if you are young and healthy, there is no reason not to train weights and boxing in the same day. Your performance might not be 100% in the second session, but if you refuel straight after the first session with an isotonic drink, starchy carbs, veggies and protein, you should still be able to hit it hard in the second session.


Should I Do Boxing Before Or After Weights

Weights And Boxing

If you are going to train both in the same day, I would suggest doing the weights first when you are at 100% because of the nature of what you are trying to achieve with weight training for boxing and that is getting stronger.

Boxers need to be lifting heavy weights for a low amount of reps to increase their strength and then convert that strength into punching power with boxing specific training and explosive movements.

That is why we recommend 5*5 training or even 3-4 reps with 5 sets to really increase our strength

You can also work on muscular endurance by two 2 sets of 15 reps with an accessory exercise like Dumbbell flies, lateral raises, lunges or you can just do everything heavy with 6*3 on the accessory lifts as well.

Doing the boxing before the weights might mean that you are at 90% in the weights room and you really need to be refreshed and ready to go if you want to make strength gains.


What To Eat If You Want To Train Twice A Day

After you train, your sugar levels are going to be low, so it is crucial to get a sugary drink into your system straight after your session and you should looking at getting some good starchy carbs like pasta, sweet potatoes, rice and then adding vegetables like broccoli, tomatoe and the rest of your greens to get your nutrients, iron and vitamins back up.

You should also be looking at protein like fish, chicken and eggs to repair the muscle or you can take a protein shake with oats to increase your sugar levels for the second session. Also try to get a must rest between the sessions as possible, even have a nap if possible.



Is Weight Lifting Good For Boxing

Fury Weigh In

Have you ever seen a fight where one guy is clearly just stronger than the other guy and while the guy without power and strength might even be landing more shots but when the stronger man lands it has far more effect and he ends up winning the fight by knockout, that is more than likely down to strength and power training.


Don’t get the strength and conditioning circuit confused with actually building your strength. While circuits will make beginners and part-timers stronger, these should be called conditioning and endurance classes for more advanced fighters.


Strength training involves heavyweights of compound lifts for a low number of reps. Pick out a weight high enough to do 5 Reps with 5 sets and push on with that. Only do 5*5 with 1 or 2 exercises per day and do the rest accessory lifts with 6*3 for strength and 2*15 for endurance.


Another benefit of hitting the lower rep ranges with higher sets is that you will pack on less useless muscle. Muscle that doesn’t add strength is going to slow you down cause you to tire faster so it is best to be avoided unless adding muscle is your goal.


Heavy Compound Lifting



Compound lifts should be the main focus of adding strength to your power for conversion to power with your boxing training. A compound lift is one that works more than one muscle group in a single lift.



Works the entire body but mainly the hamstrings, glutes, lower back and arms. Go Heavy on these with 5*5 to build strength.



Real good for building the Glutes, Quads and increasing core strength. Make sure you are squatting correctly to avoid injury and you even use a bench as the place to lower to on your squats and explode up from the seated position. 5*5 again for maximum gains.


Weighted Pull-Ups

Weighted Pull Ups For Boxing

Pullups are an excellent exercise to build punching power. The work the Lats and the Biceps and once you get advanced at these you should easily be able to knock out 10 in a set and that is the time to add a weight belt to get the rep range down to 5 reps and go for 5 sets. These are a big exercise for punching power.


The Bench Press

A common question guys get asked in the gym is how much can they bench and if you anything like Anthony Joshua, you can probably lift a small car. This is going to build strength in your Chest, Triceps and Shoulders. Go 5*5 Again for maximum gains


The Close Grip Press

This works the chest from a slightly different angle and focusses primarily on the triceps. If you have already done bench press, go 6*3 with these as an accessory exercise to exhaust the muscle. Just place your hands close together on the bar.


Military Press Or Clean And Press

Shoulder Press

Lifting a heavy barbell with weights over your head for 5 sets of 5 reps is an excellent way to increase your strength. You can even start with the weights down by your hips, shift it up to shoulder height and then press through to lift the weight over your head.

Those lifts will give you a full-body strength workout and while you can do a lot lot more in the gym, just getting those done at least once a week should help you to get stronger, be harder to budge in the ring and to hit harder.



How Many Days Should A Boxer Lift Weights

If you are serious about your boxing, the sport-specific training, cardio and weight training will all have to fit into your week and that is where the question of whether or not you can lift weights and box in the same day comes from.

Boxing specific training like pads, bags, sparring and even circuits will obviously be you main priority and then you need to have excellent levels of cardio as well through running, swimming, and cycling and jumping rope.

With so much pressure on your time, you can get the weight lifting do with a 2 day split or a 3 day split if that suits you better

If I was going for a 2 Day split I would do it like this. All Heavy, no need for excessive volume.


Day 1:


Deadlift: 5 * 5


Squats: 5 * 5


Heavy Lunges: 6 *3 (Each Leg)


Weighted Pull-Ups: 5*5



Day 2:


Bench Press: 5 * 5


Military Press: 5 * 5


Close Grip Press: 6 Reps * 3 Sets


Lateral Raises: 8 * 3


Flies: 8 * 3



If you want to Add an Extra Day, you can add in more power exercises or things like Sled Runs, Weighted Dips, Bulgarian One-Legged Deadlifts, Med Ball Slams, One Arm Med Ball Throws, Landmine Punches, Cable Punches, Plyometric box jumps, etc where you can expend your maximum force into every rep and increase your power but all in all the compound heavy lifting is what you want to do for boxing.

Mayweather Conditioning

You can also use the third day in the gym to build your core if you don’t get enough of that in the gym you are in.

Planks, Side Planks, Plank Push-Ups, Super Man Planks, Leg Raises Dip Position, Leg Raises Pull Up Position, Mountain Climbers and on and on. Do them all in a row without taking a break. Check Out Christina Hammers Home Workout


Will Weightlifting in the morning affect my boxing in the evening?

The beautiful thing about the human body is that it reacts to new stimuli very well, locks or movements and routines into muscle memory so we become better over time and that is exactly what will happen with training twice a day.

Weightlifting in the morning, even with the right diet, nutrition and rest might mean you are 95% for boxing that night but your body will get used to this and it might even work to your advantage by improving on your conditioning inside the ring as well.



Wall Slams

Weightlifting and boxing in the same day should be fine but if you have heavy sparring, it might be better to go into that 100% fresh and ready to go.

With weight lifting, the goal should be increasing strength so avoid the middle rep ranges of 8-12 as this will grow the muscle without giving the maximum strength gains.

Test you 1 rep maxes at least once per month and make sure you are getting stronger. You cant increase in strength and look worse in the mirror so enjoy and let us know in the comments how it goes!

Conor McGregor Urges Irish Government To Lockdown The Country

McGregor Calls For Lockdown

Conor Mcgregor took to social media today to call for a lockdown of the country. He called for unity of the people in combating the CoronaVirus which has caused such devastation around the world and caused massive strain on the global economy.

McGregor stated that we have the advantage and can see the enemy coming and we should, therefore, act first with a total shutdown and eliminating the spread.

Although much of the country is already on lockdown it is hard to argue that shutting the country down might be a good option at this stage and trying to rid the country of this terrible illness.


Check out the video here:

WATCH: Tyson Fury Southpaw Padwork With Sugar Hill Throws Wilder Off

Fury Southpaw Pads

Tyson Fury applied the perfect game plan against Deontay Wilder, battering the American Ex Champ in his own backyard to regain the undisputed heavyweight championship of the world.

As the BT Sport cameras rolled and the gym filled up with people, Tyson And Sugar Hill were sure not to let their game plan slip with Tyson even wearing a protective sleeve on his elbow to pretend he was injured.

Check out the Padwork here:

Tyson was looking sharp on the pads but you could tell he was holding back a little for any would-be snitches that came with the cameras.

Tyson got everything perfect in the build-up and it is reported that he even faked a foot injury to out a mole in his camp in the build-up so he must have laughed when he heard Eddie Hearn spouting off about the same injury on Sky Sports.

The game plan in hindsight was perfect, instead of boxing on the outside, he would put Wilder on the backfoot, wait till Deontay missed and left himself exposed before rushing in with heavy heavy shots that left Wilder bleeding from his er and eventually knocked him out.


We are looking forward to the rematch!

Hottest Female MMA Fighters 2020

Sexy Female Boxers

The Ufc and MMA is beginning to become packed with women showing the men that they have the heart and skills to put on great fights and look great while doing. Check out the Sexiest MMA fighters of 2020 right here:


1. Karolina Kowalkiewicz

Karolina is a hot polish fighter with plenty of class inside and outside the octagon. She has 12 wins and 6 losses in the UFC and the straw-weight hails for Lodz in Poland.

Check out her Instagram here:


2. Paige Van Zant

Paige Van Zant will need no introduction as a hot MMA fighter. She also boasts an impressive record of 8-4. She hails from Nevada USA and is a knockout in and out of the octagon.

Check out her Instagram here:


3. Anastasia Yankova

Anastasia is a hot Russian flyweight with 5 wins and 1 loss in MMA. She hails from Moscow in Russia and is rumored to be retired. Let’s hope we see her in the Octagon again this year.

Check out her Instagram here:


4. Lena Ovchynnikova

Lena ‘Hunter’ Ovchynnikova is a Ukrainian Flyweight who really packs a punch inside the Octagon and outside it. She is 12-6 in professional contests and one of the nicest people around.

Check out her Instagram here:


5. Ariane Lipski

Ariane ‘Violence Queen’ Lipski Healis from Brazil and is 12-5 in professional contests. The Flyweight is currently 26 so expect to see much more of her in 2020.

Check out her Instagram here:


6. Juli Firso

Juli Firso is a hottie with personality and the Instagram star loves to train and fight in muay thai and MMA. Personally, we can’t get enough of this Russian Hottie.

Check out her Instagram here:


7. Mackenzie Dern

Mackenzie hails from Phoenix in the USA and is 7-1 in professional MMA, She is truely one of the best fighters in the Flyweight division and a real beauty to match.

Check out her Instagram here:


8. Claudia Gadelha

‘Claudinha’ is a smoking hot Brazilian who is dynamite in the Octagon with 17 wins to 4 losses. We look forward to seeing her score more W’s in the Octogan this year 2020

Check out her Instagram here:



9. Alexandra Albu

Alexandra Albu is a Russian strawweight who packs a serious punch. She 3-2 in professional MMA and she comes with the nickname ‘Stitches’.

Check out her Instagram here:


10. Rachael Ostovich

Rachel Ostovich is a Hawaiian based flyweight who has mixed it with the best of competition including Paige van Zant. Shes is 4-5 in professional MMA.

Check out her Instagram here:




11. Michelle Waterson

Michelle Waterson AKA ‘the Karate Hottie’ is a force to be reckoned with in the Octagon, boasting a professional record of 17-7 with 12 stoppages to her name.

Check out her Instagram here:


12. Tecia Torres

Tecia Torres AKA ‘The Tiny Tornado’ is a Florida based strawweight form American Top Team in Florida with a pro record of 10-5.

Check out her Instagram here:


13. Bruna Vargas

Bruna Varga is Brazilian Beauty with awesome skills in the Octagon. She is currently 4-3 in Professional MMA and resides in the USA.

Check out her Instagram here:


14. Joanna Jedrzejczyk

Joanna will need introduction to fight fans around the world after here absolute tear up with Weili in the UFC Strawweight division and the Polish Strawweight has the looks to match.

Check out her Instagram here:


15. Valentina Shevchenko

Valentina hails from Lima, Peru and trains in Tiger Muay Thai in Phuket Thailand. She has an awesome record in MMA as a champion with 19 wins and only 3 losses.

Check out her Instagram here:


16. Tracy Cortez

Tracy Cortez is 7-1 in the Flyweight division and this beauty is based in Phoenix, Arizona.

Check out her Instagram here:




17. Cynthia Arceo

Check out her Instagram here:


18. Randa Markos

Check out her Instagram here:


19. Melissa Sophia Karagianis

Check out her Instagram here:


20. Grace Cleveland

Check out her Instagram here:


We hope you enjoyed the list and if we missed any sexy female mma fighters, let us know in the comments below.


***Disclaimer – We found these images freely available on Google and Instagram. Please get in touch if you want any images removed***





Was Alejandra Jimenez Born A Man – Questions Surface After Failed Drug Test

Alejandra jimenez man

While we are going to say that we have no time for those caught doping in the sport of boxing, the accusations that Alejandro Jimenez was born a man and transitioned into a woman comes from a different source.

Famous boxing manager Steve Tannenbaum has leveled accusations against Jimenez saying that she was born a man and that whoever did the transition on her/him, did a terrible job.

In stunning accusations, Tannenbaum voiced serious concerns about the gender of Jimenez and the future of women’s boxing, if men are allowed to compete as women.

“I am .. doubtful of the true gender of Alejandra Jimenez, I’m sure she was born a biological male… I wonder what the medical credentials were of the plastic surgeon who performed the male to female transition on Jimenez. Perhaps the operation was performed by Tramane’s acting coach as the result is laughable.”


The accusations were first leveled at Jimenez by Carlette Ewell who is a women’s world title challenger in a back and forth with Jimenez stating that it was completely obvious that Jimenez was born a man, especially due to her appearance and deep voice. The WBC has stated these accusations are bullying but do they hold any weight.


The funny thing about it is that Jimenez started boxing late and her first fights came against men which would be absolutely remarkable. I have been around enough gyms to know that women who are late starters will almost struggle to keep pace with the men.


Jimenez turned pro after only 10 amateur fights and half of those were against men who she beat.

Things have gone from bad to worse for Jimenez who was stripped of her WBO world title following a failed drug test for the banned substance.

Franchon Crews Dezurn Feared For Her Life

Womens Champ Dezurn

We really feel for her opponent on the night, Franchon-Crews-Dezurn, who said she was battling for her life in the ring and that she had never felt that kind of power from a man or woman in the boxing ring.

Speaking to Boxing Addicts, ‘The Hard Hitting Diva’ told us of how she actually feared for her life in the ring

“I’ve been hit by strong men (and) the power wasn’t like a man; it wasn’t like a woman, it was different. In the second round, I actually got hurt for the first time in my whole career — amateur or pro and it’s terrifying – It was pretty scary because I was fighting for my life, I really could have died”


“There was no remorse, This person was going to do whatever they could to get that belt and kill me. – That’s what you’re supposed to do but knowing she took all these measures to cheat and do the wrong thing; it’s really scary. But I am just blessed, I am very blessed to have my life.”


Whatever the outcome of the fight and handing back the title rightfully to Dezurn, the question is going to continue to be asked, Is Jimenez a Biological man, fighting against woman and not informing the public that she is a transgender.


We are not alone in our thoughts that would be a terrible precedent for womens sport and we believe biological men should not be competing against women, if our course Alejandra is a biological man which we are not sure is the case. Steven Tannenbaum certainly thinks she is and that is a terrible omen for the future of womens boxing which is riding high on a wave of its quality champions.



The WBC has come out with a statement defending Jimenez even after a failed drug test and stripping her of her crown saying a gender chromosome test would not be carried out by VADA.


It is shameful and regrettable to read the irresponsible, defamatory, discriminatory and untrue comments on social media concerning Alejandra Jimenez, our proud WBC Super Middleweight World Champion. The individuals writing such rubbish and the organizations publishing it have zero moral integrity. It is the WBC’s duty to set the record straight and stop the horrible and inhuman attack on a person who is an example and motivation to the world.

In a sport like boxing, which traditionally has prided itself for being accepting of people from all strata of life and on the diversity of its participants, our Champion Alejandra Jimenez is being the target of attacks for having the courage to live an openly gay lifestyle and manifesting an appearance that is pleasing to her and her community.

Alejandra Jimenez is being bullied and deprived of the most deserving moment of glory . She should be lauded and praised as the role model she is. Instead, she finds herself having to defend her appearance and lifestyle.

Alejandra Jimenez is a 31-year-old single mother. She gave birth to her beautiful daughter, Ailime, at the age of 21. As a young woman, after the birth of her daughter, Alejandra was excessively overweight. At the age of 23, she found a boxing gym, which eventually changed her life. She made her professional boxing debut 5 years ago at the age of 26.

Alejandra has worked very hard and has overcome all type of obstacles. She reached the maximum glory in her sport by winning the WBC Heavyweight World Championship against Martha Salazar in Cancun in March of 2016.

She then inspired herself and through exemplary effort and sacrifice set her goal to fight at a considerably lower weight in the Super Middleweight division. This past Saturday night Alejandra defeated Franchon Crews Dezurn and became the WBC Super Middleweight World Champion. In route of doing so, Alejandra subjected herself to a complex out-of-competition anti-doping testing protocol conducted through the Voluntary Anti-Doping Association (VADA). Each and every test result was negative.

The WBC is often questioned because it has the strongest and most protective health and safety standards in women’s boxing including, but not limited to: VADA anti-doping testing; ten-round bout limit; two-minute per round duration; safer glove sizes; and mandatory pre-bout pregnancy testing. We also have a history of social activism to promote fairness and diversity in the sport and in the human condition including widely promoted public campaigns to combat bullying and drug use, and to promote sportsmanship and inclusion in and out of the ring.

The false and completely unsubstantiated accusations hurled at our WBC World Super Middleweight Champion, Alejandra Jimenez, offend the boxing community as well as society, but most importantly, Alejandra.

The WBC remains proud of our Champion, Alejandra Jimenez, her amazing accomplishments, and continue to stand by her through her glory.