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Do Muay Thai Fighters Lift Weights – Find Out Why They Should

Shoulder Press

Muay Thai, also known as the art of eight limbs is an ancient combat sport from Thailand. Muay Thai fighters battle it out with their hands, knees, elbows and legs and Muay Thai stands alone as the P4P king of stand up fighting.

The training for Muay Thai is brutal. Fighters continually spar against each other, hit pads and bags, jump rope, jog, sprint, S & C and clinch to get in the best shape possible before they jump in the ring. One element of training that often gets overlooked in the whirlwind of non-stop action is strength training with weights and this is often down to a lack of knowledge. Increasing your overall strength without adding useless muscle is going to benefit your overall performance AND speed so it is surely worth a closer look.



How Muscle Is Built

Muscle is built when we put our bodies true tough challenges that cause the muscle fibres to tear. The body then replenishes these fibrous tissues through the nutrition of our diet and they grow back bigger and stronger, better able to handle that challenge should we meet it again.

When you are new to Muay Thai, your body won’t be used to the movements and these fibres will break down a lot and easily just by hitting the pads and doing circuits. This will cause you to get stronger and maybe even your muscles to grow.

As you go on, the same stimulus wont have the same effect on your body as you have already built an engine strong enough for this exercise and you won’t get stronger or muscle growth from Muay Thai training alone and that is when you need to turn to strength training with weights.


Remember, when you go against an equally skilled fighter, whichever one of you has the physical advantage will win the fight.


The Goal Is Never To Build Muscle For Sports

Many Fighters will shy away from lifting weights because they think it will make them slower.

Weights don’t make you slower, useless bulk and muscle does.

Bodybuilders work in the comfortable ranges from 8 to 12 reps. This is enough to rip the muscle and cause it to grow but it doesn’t cause them to get much stronger once the initial beginner gains are gone and they start to plateaux.

The other key element of building muscle is the diet, bodybuilders have to eat all the time to increase their muscle mass and that is not very useful in a Muay Thai ring. Muay Thai fighters will often be tall and skinny and there is nothing wrong with that.

To increase muscle, we need to be in a caloric surplus, we need to consume more than we burn and to lose weight we need to be in a caloric deficit. It’s very hard to increase muscle and lose fat at the same time if you’re not a beginner.

Newcomers to weightlifting or Muay Thai can build muscle and lose weight at the same time but you will quickly hit the wall and the benefits will stop manifesting after some time. Eventually, whether you gain or lose weight will come down to your diet and how many calories you consume vs how many you burn.


Training For Strength

Increasing your overall strength as many benefits in the ring. Your strikes will have more impact and your opponent’s will have less. You will be stronger in the clinch and you’ll be able to take the Center of the Ring.

Something we often see in boxing for both fighters when they are equally skilled is that one fighters punches have much more of an effect than the other and the stronger guy will quickly start to dominate the fight.


Low Reps & Compound Lifts For Strength Gains

The proper way to increase your strength for fighting is with heavy weights for low reps (Less Than 5)  and typically from more sets (5) then you will work bodybuilding.

Five by five is a solid set to rep ratio for increasing strength but you could even use lower reps and increase the weight. For overall strength gains, we want to focus on compound movements. Compound lifts involve more than one muscle group and they allow us to increase our overall strength more effectively.

Key compound lifts



The deadlift strengthens the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. There are plenty of different variations but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you keep your back straight throughout the lift. You can even use a Trap bar to make sure your form is correct.



Squats will work the quads, the glutes and the back. It is one of the best exercises for overall strength. Muay Thai heavily involves the legs so it makes sense the strengthen them as much as you can.


Remember to go heavy but also keep your form correct.


Bench press

The bench press works the front of the shoulders, chest and the triceps. Benching is perfect for increasing your punching power. Remember to keep the weight heavy and the reps slow for strength.



Pull-ups are the squat of the upper body. They work the lats, back and biceps. There are plenty of different angles you can hit the muscles from. When you get better, you can always add a weight vest to increase the weight and make sure you’re in the lower rep ranges. If you can do more than 5, you are not increasing strength.


Military press or Clean and Press

These are perfect for building your shoulders, use a barbell if you can, try not to use your legs until you’re close to failure and go heavy for 5 sets of 5 reps.


Other Lifts

There are plenty of other accessory lifts, good quality lifts and power exercises that we can add to our workout. If you’re looking for some more information, don’t forget to sign up for our strength training for Fighters PDF, for a complete guide.



Rest is key

Strength training should be something that takes 100% of your effort, at the end of the session your  glycogen levels will be low so get a protein shake straight after the workout or a smoothie to restore your sugar levels.

Try to strength train early in the morning so you have the rest of the day to recover and get a good night’s sleep so you are ready to go again the next day with 100% Force.


Time Constraints

Another difficulty in strength training and Muay Thai is the time constraints. People will either train Muay Thai 5 days a week with all their spare time or if you are in Thailand training Muay Thai twice a day, it’s still hard to fit strength training in.

If training twice a day is not an option, you could consider strength training one day a week or preferably twice. You can cover the full body in 2-days at the gym.

Another option be to strength train in the morning, maybe before work. Eat well straight after the session, rest as much as possible and then train Muay Thai in the evening.


Frequently asked questions


Why are Muay Thai Fighter so skinny?

Not all Muay Thai Fighters are skinny, but it is a game that is suited for tall skinny frames as they can kick higher, knee higher and they have more leverage in the clinch. Muay Thai suits the tall skinny frame to begin with.

Muay Thai burns a ton of calories, so if you are training twice a day and you’re not getting 3000 calories you are probably going to lose weight. I think I lost over 10 kilos when I was in Thailand for a month training twice a day.

Speed kills. By being skinny and light, these fighters can become faster. Being the first to land in this sport can make all the difference. Also, remember that strength training isn’t going to make us bulky so we can be strong as an ox and still look skinny to an onlooker from the outside.


Can you build muscle with Muay Thai

It really depends on how much Muay Thai you’re doing, if you’re training once a week and lifting weights the other 4 days, you can certainly put on muscle. If you’re lifting weights one day and training Muay Thai 4 days, you can probably still put on muscle.

Even if you’re only training Muay Thai, and there is some circuits involved or just a lot of push-ups, squats, pull ups and burpees, you can probably put on some muscle if you make sure you have a protein shake after each session and eat plenty throughout the week.



Being a fighter is difficult, if it was easy, everybody would do it. If you want to compete at the top levels, you can’t ignore strength training with weights.


Benefits Of Boxing With Dumbbells – Must Read Guide

Light Dumbbells For Boxing

Whether you have aspirations to jump in the ring or not, shadow boxing can provide a solid workout and is an excellent way to improve your fitness. For boxers, it is a perfect way to warm up, practice the techniques you have been learning, try out new techniques and visualise yourself in the ring against a real opponent.

For fitness enthusiasts, it is a great way to increase cardio, burn calories and tone the arms, while also learning important self-defence skills. Whatever your goal is, once you add some light dumbbells to the exercise it opens up a whole extra world of benefits.

One of the golden rules of shadow boxing with weights is that you should keep it  light and use a maximum weight of 3 pounds in each dumbbell. Anything heavier than this isn’t going to allow you to move with the same freedom you need to improve your punching endurance.


Increase punching power

If you want to punch harder, shadow boxing with dumbbells is a great way to achieve it. By holding dumbbells in your hands and throwing repeated shots, your body will get used to punching with the heavier weight and will become stronger to deal with the extra load.

When you release the dumbbells, the extra strength will have built up for when your hands are free of the additional weight.

It’s important to note, that shadow boxing with dumbbells won’t turn you from a soft puncher into Mike Tyson, but it will help you to potentialize your punching power, meaning, you can reach the maximum power in your strikes that your body is capable of.


Increase Punching Speed

Much in the same way that holding a heavier weight while you punch and then releasing it will help you to punch harder, it will also help you to punch faster following the same principal.

Your body gets used to to the heavier weight and it starts to punch faster with that weight. When you leave the weight go, your punches are faster than when you started out. Again it will not make you, Manny Pacquiao, if you were a slow puncher, but it will help you to potentialize your punching speed.

You might think that if using a 3 pound dumbbell will make you a bit faster and more powerful, then a 5 pound dumbbell will have an even greater effect. The problem with this is that using the higher weight will result in a breakdown of your technique and you won’t get the same results.


Builds Arm Endurance

Mayweather Shadow Boxing

Every newcomer to the sport of boxing will notice how quickly their arms get tired in the very first session. Increasing the amount of time you can keep throwing punches for is a worthy goal to aim at.

Even if you are a decent amateur or have your sights set on fighting or winning titles, increasing your arm endurance is something that should be at the top of your prioritise list.

Adding a weight while you punch makes your shoulders, lats and arms work that bit harder and if you keep going for 3 – 5, 3 minute rounds with dumbbells, it will allow you to increase your punching endurance. This will allow you to last longer throwing heavy shots, in training or in a fight.


Excellent Cardio

Shadow boxing is great cardio on its own or as part of a full boxing workout. When you add light dumbbells it makes the exercise more challenging and that allows you to increase your aerobic capacity even more.

If you add in exercises like jumping rope or hitting a heavy bag, shadow boxing with weights becomes a key component of a full boxing workout. Increasing your cardio is crucial for boxing or if you’re involved in any other sport, increasing cardio will still benefit you greatly. That’s why athletes from so many other sports love to train in boxing.


Builds Muscle

Muscle is built when we perform actions that require us to push our muscles to the limit. This results in small tears in the muscle before it repairs, but it comes back stronger and better able to cope with that challenge should it meet it again.

Shadow boxing with weights, won’t make you bulky but it will help you to add lean muscle and create an impressive physique.


Tones The Arms

Shadow Boxing With Weights For Fat Loss

Toning the arms can be just as important as increasing your muscle mass if you want to look good. What’s the point in having big arms if all the muscles are covered by fat. Shadow boxing with weights is literally one of the best ways to strip your arms and shoulders of all the fat and reveal bulging muscles that have been hiding underneath.

If you have holidays coming up and you want to get lean, shadow boxing with weights is a great way to do it. If toning your arms is one of your key goals, fast straight punches within a time limit of 1 to 3 minutes for a number of rounds, would be ideal.


Lose Weight

Shadow boxing is great cardio and can lead to good weight loss, when you include light weights in each hand, it forces your body to work harder and burn more calories. If you are consistent with your training and you keep your diet clean, this can lead to good weight loss over time.

The key to losing weight is to be in a caloric deficit. That means our body burns more calories than we consume. Shadow boxing burns calories and if you limit the amount of food you eat, especially carbs, which will turn into sugar and then fat the most quickly, you can achieve good and lasting weight loss through shadow boxing with weights.


Burns Fat

Shadow boxing with weights won’t just burn fat in the arms, if you turn your hips into the punches and include other boxing movements, like rolling under punches and squatting down to throw body shots, it will also help to burn fat in the legs and belly areas.

If you include shadow boxing with weights as part of a full boxing workout that you could even do in the comfort of your own home, you can achieve effective fat loss everywhere in your body.

A simple additional exercise you could add, would be 10 burpees at the end of each round or 30 mountain climbers.


Can Be Used As Part Of A Full Workout

As we’ve touched on already in this article, shadow boxing with weights can be a good workout on its own but it is even more effective as part of a full boxing workout.


Jumping rope

Warming up for shadow boxing with jump rope is a great way to get the heart rate up, the blood flowing and the muscles warm.

Jumping rope is really good for boxing as it develops the coordination between the hands and feet, builds arm endurance, tones the arms and burns calories.

Shadow boxing with weights as we’ve discussed, burns calories, eliminates fat, builds muscle, tones the arms and increases aerobic capacity.


Conditioning circuits

Conditioning circuits, where you work continuously for 3 minutes and perform exercises like push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, mountain climbers and the plank are a great way to burn fat and increase fitness.


Full Workout Example


Jumping Rope – 3 – 3 Minute Rounds

Jumping Rope Female
Start off the workout with three, 3 minutes rounds of skipping. Include as much variation as you can, with at least 30 seconds of sprinting by raising your knees to your chest as fast as you can. At the end of round one, do 10 push-ups, round two, 10 squats, round three, 10 sit-ups.


5 Rounds Shadow Boxing – 3 Minutes Each

Start off each round of shadow boxing with your light dumbbells, practice trying the jab, the 1-2, the 1 – 2 hook, squat down and throw the jab to the body, throw the jab, lead hook combo, throw the left uppercut, right cross.

In the middle of the round, throw 10 uppercuts as fast as you can to really burn the biceps.

For the last minute of each round, drop the weights and just work with the weight of your hands to get the most out of your exercise, burn more calories and get that last cardio push.

Take one minute rest between each round and at the end of each round do 10 push-ups, 10 burpees, 10 mountain climbers or 10 sit-ups.


Heavy Bag

If you have a heavy bag available, do 5, 3-minute rounds on the heavy bag. Include 30 seconds in each round where you will either throw straight punches as quick as you can or else powerful hooks.

Between rounds, do the 10 push-ups, sit ups, burpees or mountain climbers.



boxing Circuit

If you don’t have a heavy bag available, move onto the circuit.

We will have 10 stations and work for 30 seconds each. When done, move as quick as you can onto the next station and we will do 5 rounds, with one minute break in between rounds.


Station 1 – Squats

Station 2 – Push Ups

Station 3 – Sit Ups

Station 4 – Lunges

Station 5 – Shoulder Press – With Dumbbells

Station 6 – Plank

Station 7 – Jumping Squats

Station 8 – Bicep Curls With Dumbells

Station 9 – Mountain Climbers

Station 10 – 20 Straight Punches – 20 Uppercuts



Frequently asked questions


Can I shadow boxing  using resistance bands?

Resistance bands are a great way to get the same benefits as you would with light dumbbells. The Bands made specifically for boxing will have two handles and the unit will wrap around you’re back to use as a base.

Different bands have different strengths so it’s perfect for choosing a suitable brand for your level or increasing resistance over time. It’s definitely something worth trying out to see which you like better or combine both.


How many calories does shadow boxing with weights burn

As with anything it depends on how much effort you put into it. Shadow boxing with weights for an hour can burn upwards of 600 calories and that could even be 1000 calories as part of a full boxing workout.


Dumbbell uppercuts benefits

The uppercuts will utilise the back and the bicep muscles more than the shoulders and triceps like straight punches.

Dumbbell punches with uppercuts will work to get those areas lean, ripped and muscular.


Shadow boxing with egg weights or weighted gloves

Egg weights fit perfectly inside your hands and provide a similar level of resistance to dumbbells so whatever you find feels better, then you should stick with that, or combine them both.

We also like the weighted gloves, they do much the same job as the dumbbells except it feels more natural. You could also just wear a pair of 16 oz or 20 oz boxing gloves during a regular workouts and it should have a good impact on your hand speed and power for when you are wearing lighter gloves.

That’s something I personally found beneficial and even a perceived advantage can be important for when you jump into the ring.


Shadow boxing with ankle weights

We like the idea of this, boxing is 50% footwork at 50% with the hands so it makes sense that if you can improve by adding weight to your hands then you can also improve by adding weight to your feet.

Just remember if you’re wearing ankle weights, to work on your footwork, moving in and out from the target and pivoting to create angles.

You could also do your entire workout with ankle weights to build up your calves, quads and glutes while adding power and speed.


What muscles does shadow boxing with dumbbells work

Boxing is a full body sport so it should work all of your body as you move around with your feet and throw punches with your hands.

Straight punches with the dumbbells will primarily work the front head of your shoulder, your triceps and your lats. The movement will start at your feet go through the hips, through the back and extend through the arms.

Uppercuts will primarily engag to biceps and the lats in your back. It’s a great way to add endurance, power and speed.


Floyd Mayweather shadow boxing with weights

Mayweather Weighted Shadow Boxing

Floyd Mayweather incorporates shadow boxing with weights as part of his rigorous workouts.

He will throw basic combos with very light dumbbells including jabs to the head and body, the lead left Hook, right crosses to the head and body, uppercuts and a few short combos.

Check out Floyd’s full training routine here:


Shadow boxing with weights adds resistance to an already effective form of exercise. This extra resistance helps to maximize our potential in power and speed, get’s us ripped, increases our aerobic endurance and adds a little muscle.

This is a very effective workout that should be incorporated by fitness enthusiasts and boxers for both amateurs and professionals for its many benefits.

Century Cornerman Heavy Bag Stand Review

Century Cornerman Heavy Bag Stand Review

If you are starting a home gym, a heavy bag is one of the most coveted items that most people will immediately consider. Having seen many botched attempts over the years, it is important to get the bag right. Wall or ceiling mounts are ideal, but that is not suitable, heavy bag stands can be the perfect substitute.

The Century Cornerman is probably the best heavy bag stand that we’ve seen to date, it doesn’t move, rock or make noise when you hit it. Allows you to move around the bag, practicing your footwork or creating angles for your punches along with practicing your kicks. Most heavy bags stands will improve your movement and that is why we always recommend the century cornerman.


Design And Specifications

We feel that the corner man offers the perfect balance between quality and value. The unit is made from 3″ round, high-grade steel which ensures that this is a purchase that last for years to come. The Cornerman itself weighs 80 Lbs.

The design of the Cornerman is pretty much unique in the heavy bag stand market, it’s got two legs which spread out vertically 7 and a half feet either side, and it facilitates a solid and robust piece of equipment.

The corner man has a central support beam that hangs out from the unit and allows you to hang a heavy bag. It has an adjustable fight from 72″ all the way up to 102″, and it can hold a heavy bag up to 100 lbs in weight.

This is perfect for holding a full length Muay Thai bag and pretty much any other bag you could think of that weighs 100 lbs or less.


What We Like About The Cornerman

The Design Allows 180 Access To The Bag

One of the biggest downfalls with heavy bag stands is when the supporting legs stick straight out so you can only stand straight in front of it and throw punches.

Footwork and creating angles is one of the most important parts of boxing or martial arts and when this movement is restricted, it takes away a lot of the appeal of having a heavy bag in the first place.

This is brilliantly designed so the bag hangs far away from the wall and you have unfettered access to work around the bag at 180 degrees.


It Doesn’t Make Noise

If you go with one of the cheaper heavy bag stands, you will need the way down weight plates or sandbags and even then the units for rock back and forward every time you hit it.

Those weight plates will Clank together making agreed just noise and if you live with someone else it will end up driving them mad, even if you’re isolated in the garage.

The biggest noise that I find with the cornerman, is when I am hissing and shouting when I throw my punches, it virtually makes no noise by itself which is a huge plus.


The Height

When you’re 6 ft 5 like me, one of the biggest concerns will naturally be whether the heavy bag stand will hold your bag high enough so that you can punch straight out or upwards.

When you invest in the corner man, you’re getting a stand double adjust at any height even for the tallest fighters.


It Fits Perfectly In The Corner

This is not a heavy bag stand that’s gonna impede into the middle of the room. The legs are designed to run parallel with your wall and you can always take the bag off when you’re done.

The only restriction for having this stand bag, is that the walls in your room run at least 7 1/2 ft needed direction.


Achieve The Perfect Setup

The way the unit comes out from the wall it means you can cover the floor all around it with jigsaw mats and this will give a real authentic gym feel, right in the middle of your home.


Easy To Change The Bag

If you’re anything like me, you liking all different kinds of bags. I like to go from the standard heavy bag, to the angle bag, to a wrecking ball bag and even a double end bag, over and over again in the same workout.

You can easily change bags with the corner man, just reduced the adjustable height, get a small step ladder and you should be able to change it without hassle or yourself or with a partner.


What They Could Do Better

  • Some people say that the quality of the steel could be a bit better but we found the unit to be strong, sturdy and reliable.
  • The price is high at $450 but, even at this price point there is no heavy bag stand that can come close to it.


Do We Recommend It?

Ok, so a wall or ceiling mounted heavy bag is probably going to be the cheapest and best option. If, for whatever reason, you can’t use a wall mount, you are renting the house or the walls aren’t suitable, we truly believe that the Cornerman is your next best option.

If you go with the cheaper option, it is a bit of a minefield and it’s going to cause issues in one of the categories whether that’s noise, height, or restrictions in your movement.

It’s very hard to fault the corner man and it gets a 10/10 recommendation from us as one that’s definitely worth checking out, even though it costs $450.

Check Out More Reviews Here:



Other Heavy Bag Stands To Consider


Balazs Universal Heavy Bag Stand

Balasz Heavy Bag Stand

The Balazs stand Bag is another quality design, it takes off even less footprint than the corner man but it does cost a lot more at $1,300.

You don’t need any ways to hold this one down and it doesn’t make any noise. What’s more, is that it can hold a 300 lb heavy bag. This also has a height of 95 inches and it can support a full length Muay Thai bag.

The movement is a little bit more restricted by the supportive arms and we would still recommend the cornerman even though this one is a strong contender.

Check Out More Reviews Here:




Title Boxing Double Trouble Heavy Bag Stand

This is another innovative design and one of my favorites for allowing access to move around the bag. The Foundation of the stand is a cross shape, two legs have pegs to hold weight plates or sandbags and two of the lakes have the Rings at the top and bottom that allow you to hold a heavy bag or a double end bag.

You can buy this one on its own for $200 or you can buy it with a 70 lb title heavy bag and a title double end bag for $300 which is great value. The key issue with this one is going to be the noise, if you don’t wear it down properly it will rock around and make a loud noise every time you put it.

That being said, it is probably the best budget option and something to consider if you don’t like the corner man.

Check Out More Reviews Here:



A Look At The Other Century Heavy Bag Stand

Century have another couple of entries that a heavy bag stand that is not so successful. The one size heavy bag stand has a restrictive design that doesn’t allow you to move around the bag and you need to put plates on the front and back which makes a lot of noise.


The stand is made of good quality steel and it is well priced at $120 but the century cornerman is a far superior unit.



Overall, we would definitely recommend the cornerman as the number one heavy bag stand on the market. If you’re looking for more info check out our heavy bag stand buying guide here.

Choosing A Heavy Bag Stand – Ultimate Buyers Guide

The heavy bag is one of the best ways to get better at boxing, Muay Thai or kickboxing. When people want to train at home, the heavy bag is the first piece of equipment they will want to get.

Setting up a heavy bag in your house, garage or garden will require you you to drill holes into the wall for a heavy bag mount or to drill into your ceiling beam and hanging the bag around that.

Another option which is far more preferable for many people, is the purchase a heavy bag stand.

Heavy bag stands coming all different designs and they come at different price points from very cheap, 2 moderately expensive to very expensive.

Most people will want to find a balance between quality and price that will give them a perfect setup where they can move around the bag, practice their footwork and hit the bag as hard as they can.

They also won’t want a bag to be too loud where it will rock back and forth and make a loud creaking noises every time you hit it.


Are Punching Bag Stands Any Good?

Punching bag stands can be very effective if you get the right one.

If you want to practice your Kicks on the bag, can you should avoid some of the ones that are made for boxing as the sides will stop you from moving around the bag or throwing your Kicks.

The punching bags designed from Muay Thai, will generally have wider edges to allow you to move around the bag and throw your kicks at will.

If you guess your buying decisions right punching bag stands can offer an experience just as good as the gym.


Size Of The Stand

The first thing you will need to consider is how much space you have the house you’re stand.

The last thing you want to do is order one that’s too big and realise that you can’t set it up. These stands can cost a lot of money and they’re quite heavy, so the shipping cost will be hard to send it back.

Measure your space and check out the product to make sure you have enough space.



The Amount Of Weight They Can Hold

Most producers of heavy bag stands will let you know what weight are designed for.

Most should be able to hold a good 100 lb heavy bag, which should be enough for almost anybody, but it’s something to keep in mind that you should check.



The Height

Another big mistake you could make is buying one that’s too small. If you are 6-ft 5 or 200cm like me, the last thing you want is a bag stand that’s only 6 feet tall.

Check the measurements of the bag stand before you buy it to make sure that it is the correct height.


How Many Bags Can It Hold

If you just wanted to hold one bag, you should have plenty of options. Modifying the bag stand to hold even two or three different bags shouldn’t actually add too much cost to the producer.
If you shop around, you could get a stand that will hold two heavy bags, heavy bag and a speed ball or even heavy bag all, a speedball and a double end bag.

Some of the punch bag stands are even designed for commercial setups and they could even hold 10 bags, but I may need to be permanently mounted into the ground.

One of my personal dreams, is to retire to a quiet apartment on the Costa del Sol with a big terrace and have a perfect heavy bag stand setup with three or four of my favourite bags. That is something I’m working towards so wish me luck.


Construction Quality



The bag stands come in different quality levels. The cheaper stands will be made of tube metal or steel which is lighter, cheaper to ship and easier to set up.

The downside is, they won’t last as long. They can also rock back and forth making a lot of noise and upsetting the neighbours or your significant other.

One thing you probably want to avoid is your Stand Bag making a lot of noise, so you can wear it down with sandbags or weight plates so it will stick firmly to the ground and doesn’t make noise when you hit it.


The more expensive bags will be made of solid steel tubing, the shipping cost will be higher but they will generally be more sturdy. They won’t move too much when you hit them so you won’t need to weigh them down.

Some of the more expensive options are really good and they will be preferable if you have the budget.


Wall Or Ceiling Mounted Bag Vs Heavy Bag Stand

Wall mounted bags are probably the ideal option. You need to find a good study supporting Beam, preferably made of Steel or else you need a supporting wall and drill a punching bag mount into the wall to hang your bag off.

The important things to consider here that you need to make sure that the set-up is sturdy, it will hold the correct weight of bag that you want and that you can get it set up high enough sort of bag is that a good height for a punching.

This is the perfect setup as you will have plenty of room to practice your footwork and can attack the bag from different angles which is important in boxing.

Many people don’t like the heavy bag stands, as they move around even when weighted down, some of the designs can impede your foot movement around the bag and they can make a lot of noise.

Buying quality heavy bag stand eliminates most of these issues but it will cost a good bit more then a ceiling or wall mount.

If you don’t own the house and you don’t want to build a walls or risk doing damage, or if there simply isn’t enough space, where the heavy bag stand can be a better choice.


Heavy Bag Stand vs Free Standing Bag

Personally, i’m not a big fan of the free standing punching bags. Some of them can be ok, but as a heavyweight when you hit them hard, they fly all around the room.

The Bob (Body Opponent Bag) punching bags are some of the best I’ve ever seen, they’re good fun to work out on and the mimic a real target. That being said, it doesn’t offer the same quality work out that you can get from heavy bag.

Other issue that iPhone with the Bob, is that the base takes up half the design so you cant practice your low kicks, but you can kick to the body and head.

The other type of freestanding bag that I like recently is the one that I see Ryan Garcia using in the gym. It is called The Cobra freestanding bag and it’s more for working on speed and reflexes but it does look like it’s a really good workout.

This still isn’t a replacement for the power and endurance work you can do whatever you like.

The other type of freestanding bag you could possibly get is the spar bar type, freestanding bag.

Again this is good fun, it works speed reflexes and defence more than power and endurance but it can be a good addition to a heavy bag

Most of the freestanding bags just aren’t that good.

Heavy bag stands, if you get it right, can cost a bit more but they give you a perfect heavy bag setup that you can use for years to come.


How Much Does A Good Heavy Bag Stand Cost

These stands can cost anywhere from $100 up to $1500 plus, for a really good setup.

You’re probably want to spend anywhere from 3 to $400 how to get a heavy bag that you can hit full Force from all angles, that’s high enough and will facilitate a perfect heavy bag workout.


How Much Weight Do I Need To Hold A Heavy Bag Stand

Many of the stands will come with holders where you can place weight plates, so if you put 3 or 4, 45lb weight plates in the holders, that should be enough to keep her held down.

Sandbags might be a better option and if you can get 3 or 4, 50lb sandbags, that might keep away down and make less noise.

Even with the more premium bag stands, they might creak a little bit as the back swing spins around, that is also the case with a wall mounted bag.


How To Set Up Your Heavy Bag Stand

The heavy bag stand should be easy enough to set up. Once you have picked your perfect stand and got an ideal heavy bag to match, you can be up and running in as little as 30 minutes.

To standby should arrive in a large box with all the pieces included and detailed instructions for the setup.

You probably need to have a spanner or wrench to get the screws in tightly so that you can start getting the bag.

The hardest part might actually be getting 100 lb heavy bag attached to the stand bag once it is setup. If you can get a friend or partner, that would be perfect. You can hold the bag up in the air with both hands and they can simply Hook the attachment onto the stand and you will be good to go.


Best heavy bag stand


Century Cornerman

The century cornerman is the best heavy bag stand we have seen to date. It has got a very wide design that allows you to move freely around the bag. It stays in place and has an adjustable height.

Creating angles in boxing is a key element of the game, so this movement is a deal breaking feature we would look for in a stand.

You can also practice all kinds of kicks and combos. This one is big enough to hold a full-length, 100 lb Muay Thai bag without issues.

The bag fits in the corner perfectly, doesn’t make too much noise and it doesn’t move around, standing up the punishment from even heavy hitters.

It costs $450 and is the ideal solution if you can afford to spend that much.

Check out more reviews here:




Best Budget Option

Happybuy Folding Boxing Heavy Bag Stand

The Happybuy folding boxing heavy bag stand is the best that we can see as a budget option. It was either that or the Title boxing double trouble stand.

Both of the designs allow you to work 180 degrees around the bag, which is important for creating angles and practicing kicks.

The happybuy will just about hold a full-size muay thai bag, you might need to make some adjustments at the top, but it should be good to hold 100 lb boxing bag or a 75 Pounder.

The quality is good but it can be a bit more noisy, you will need to weigh it down with weight plates or sand bags. For $175, you can’t really expect the same quality as the century cornerman, which we love.

Check Out More Reviews here:



Premium Stand Bag

Balazs Universal Heavy Bag Stand

Balasz Heavy Bag Stand

The Balazs Heavy Bag Stand is undoubtedly the best on the market that doesn’t need to be mounted to the floor.

This will hold at 300lb bag and will have no problem with a full length Muay Thai bag.

The design of this is basically like a regular wall mounted bag, it offers a full 180 degree access and and it doesn’t need to be weighted down.

The problem with this one is that a cost $1,300 plus shipping, so you might be better off with the century cornerman if you have a good budget but don’t want to spend that much.

The Balazs also takes up less space and this is made out of heavy-duty steel.

Check Out More Reviews And FAQs Here:


Check Out Our Top Ten Heavy Bag Stands Here



Can I Hang A Heavy Bag In My Garage

The Garage is probably one of the best place to set it up. You can probably drill into the wall and use a wall mount if it is concrete or you could have a heavy bag stand.

If nobody will mind you making any noise in the garage, that is also a big plus. Just make sure you hang the bag high enough first time around for a perfect workout.


Can I Hang A Heavy Bag From A Pull Up Bar

If the pull up bar is high enough, steady enough and far enough out from the wall, you could potentially hang a heavy bag from it, with some modifications.

I personally wouldn’t bank on this working but if you have a plan you think will work, you could give it a shot


If you want to have a heavy bag at home, ma your best bet is to find a good steel beam to hanging from the roof or find a supporting we can use a punching bag mount.

This will give you a set up just like the gym, make sure to get the height right.

If mounting it to the wall or the ceiling isn’t an option, a heavy bag stand can be a good bet. Just remember that you will have to put some money in.

The cheap ones might not give you an experience that meets your expectations and you might not be able to work on your footwork.

How Boxing Will Get You Ripped – Benefits, Exercises & Diet – Must Read

Weights And Boxing

Boxing is one of the toughest sports on the planet. It is known as the go to sport for athletes of all disciplines to improve their fitness, get lean and become intensely strong and conditioned. It’s also great for self-defence, feeling better about yourself and becoming an all round better athlete.

Boxing workouts can burn upwards of 800 calories in a single session and unlike the gym where people will go to build muscle, the boxing gym will help you to torch your fat, reveal and tone muscles and getting those abs to show for the summer holidays.

Losing weight involves burning more calories then you consume, being in a caloric deficit, so the diet will play a key role in whether you are losing weight or not. Like with anything in life, you get out what you put in so if you can eat clean, train 4/5 days a week or more and put in the effort, you can easily become ripped from boxing.

boxing provides an excellent way of burning a lot of calories to get into a deficit and the exercises involved are perfect for burning fat, having fun and getting lean.



Boxing Uses All Of The Bodies Energy Systems

Steady state cardio like jogging, walking or cycling will burn calories slowly and won’t hit the target areas where we want to lose fat in as much as we would like and these exercises are aerobic in nature where the body can fuel itself with oxygen to keep going. The aerobic system is the base upon which a highly conditioned athlete is built and once you built a good aerobic system through running or sports, it will stay with you for many years.


Fast intense exercises like hitting the punch bag, shadow boxing with weights, doing punching drills and working on circuits are going to hit the anaerobic system, where the muscles fill with lactic acid and cause you to feel pain and stop.

The body is not able to fuel itself with oxygen during these intense exercises that are predominant in boxing and hese kind of exercises are much more effective for burning fat, and getting in awesome shape.



High Intensity Interval Training

Boxing Punching Bag

One of the key features that makes boxing so good for getting lean and ripped is that it is a HIIT workout.

This is a mix of Aerobic and anaerobic exercises where you go from fast pace intense exercise to slow pace active recovery movements and this back and forth, start, stop form of exercise is well known to be the best for burning fat and getting lean, like spinning class or boxing.


Reasons Boxing Is So Good For Getting Ripped


Boxing Improves Your Fitness

Boxers are some of the most well conditioned athletes in the world and it is for this reason that athletes from all other sports train in boxing to increase that anaerobic threshold so they can become faster, fitter and stronger for their own sports and have more endurance.

If you want to lose weight or if you’ve been in the gym putting on muscle, boxing is one of the best things you can do to get lean.


It’s A Full Body Workout

Boxing is a full body workout and there’s tons of variation, you can train for boxing on your own and once you get into boxing, it becomes like a mission to improve at the sport and that goes hand in hand we’re being in great shape.

Boxing primarily involves the arms, back, chest and shoulders but the Punch comes up from your foot through your hips and extends out through your lats to generate the maximum power and punch.

When you slip a roll under a punch that’s using the legs and the workouts for boxing involve so many different exercises that you really get to blast the full body in a single workout.


Boxing Is fun

Going to the gym at running on a treadmill for an hour can seem like a boring and daunting task, boxing training is good fun as it involves so much variety, it’s fast-paced, you get a train with a partner and you get to see your improvements week on week which gives you something to aim for going forward.

You can also have good fun with your trainers and partners throughout your workouts as opposed to dragging yourself to the gym every week for mundane exercise but you will end up giving up quickly.


Boxing Is A Lifestyle

Boxing For Weight Loss 3

Once you get into boxing, it’s not something that you have to force yourself to do every week, it’s something that you look forward to and you can plan your life around improving at the sport, getting in better condition and then losing weight and getting ripped will become a secondary benefit.

That is why so many people from all walks of life use boxing to get in great shape because it’s enjoyable and addictive.


Releases Endorphins

The intense exercise of boxing has been proven to release tons of endorphins into the brain which is the feel good hormone. That is why you feel so good after a boxing workout and when you feel good it’s much easier to make the right choices like eating healthy and building on your exercise regimen.


Exercises That Make Boxing The Best For Losing Weight


Skipping is one of the best exercises for boxing as it improves hand and feet coordination which is the most important aspect of boxing and the late Roger Mayweather once said that skipping is the key to being a great boxer.

It is also great for burning calories, you can go at a slower pace or a faster pace, you can do HIIT and if you bring your knees up to your stomach as you sprint on the rope, it is superb at burning stubborn belly fat and revealing your abs.

It’s also a great workout for the shoulders and arm endurance and can burn fat in your arms and tone them to reveal your muscles.


Shadow boxing

Mayweather Weighted Shadow Boxing

Shadow boxing is another great way to improve your skills, you can visualise your opponent, practice the moves you’ve been doing on the pads and the bags and cement your techniques into muscle memory.

It is a great way to burn calories especially if you use a light pair of weighted dumbbells, not more than 3 pounds, to add resistance to the workout.

Working on your straight punches, will build muscle in the shoulders and lats, and target fat in those areas to help you get ripped.

Uppercuts with weights is a perfect endurance exercise for burning fat and it will build muscle and conditioning in the biceps and back.


Hitting The Heavy Bag

Weight Loss Boxing

The heavy bag is one of the best ways to workout in boxing, it provides a large target that you can hit with punches over and over again and it will keep coming back for more.

You can use it for drills with a partner, you can practice your techniques and footwork and it provides an excellent way to work out on your own or with a partner.


The key is to be organised with the heavy bag

Avoid just hitting the bag until you get tired, taking a small rest and then hitting it again. Instead, get a good timer app on your phone set up for two or three minute rounds and then work for 5 to 10 rounds for an effective workout.

For an even more intense heavy bag, you can do 20 push-ups, sit ups are burpees at the end of each round.


Punching Drills On The Bag

If you have a partner to hold the bag, you can take turns of working out and actively resting. If your partner holds the bag for a minute while you throw fast straight punches as quick as you can for a minute and then you can swap over and hold the bag for them, it’s very effective. On the next round you can throw punches as hard as you can for the minute before switching and you can keep doing this for 5 rounds, that’s an excellent work out for getting in shape.


Pad Drills With A Coach Or Partner

Working the pads with a coach is a great way to improve your boxing techniques as they will be able to provide feedback in realtime so you can make adjustments and it’s also a great workout to hit the pads tired as hard as you can and develop your combos to become a better fighter.

Drills with a partner are also very effective for burning fat and calories. You can throw one punch and do one push-up, and then 2 punches, 2 push-ups, all the way up to 10 and then switch with your partner to allow them to run through the drill.

In the second round you can switch push ups with sit-ups and in the third round you can do burpees.

This is a great way to burn a ton of calories, strengthen and tone your arms and get a great workout on your abs.



Sparring is the ultimate in boxing training as it’s the closest you can come to having a real fight while still remaining in a semi competitive environment.

You need to work equally on your defence and your offence, it’s great fun when you get into it and it burns a tonne of calories moving around the ring, throwing punches, evading them and blocking.



Boxing Shadow Boxing Circuits

Boxing is well known for its circuits in the gym and this will involve a ton of different stations and each person taking part will do 30 seconds on each station before quickly moving on to the next one without a break and once everyone has completed all the stations  the round will finish.

Stations might include, shadow boxing weights, push ups, squats, shoulder press, mountain climbers, burpees, sit ups, planks, lunges and dips to name a few and working on all of these together will increase your anaerobic threshold, burn fat, tone your arms and reveal your muscles.


Core workouts

Boxing Circuits

Finishing off your boxing session by working the core is common practice, this will strengthen your abs and get them to show off more easily once you get your diet right

Use different variations of sit ups, planks, mountain climbers and burpees all in a row without stopping for a couple of rounds of 30 reps each, will build those core muscles and get them to show once you get to the right body fat percentage, by eating healthy and remaining in a caloric deficit.


Supplement Your Training With Cardio

Boxing Sprints

If you supplement your training which cardio like running or cycling even once a week for an hour or two, this will develop your aerobic base so you can build on that in the boxing gym to increase your anaerobic threshold and endurance.

If you get good enough a boxing, the weight loss will easily follow and you’ll become ripped and in the best condition of your life.


Getting The Diet Right

As we mentioned already, losing weight will involve being in a caloric deficit which basically means that you burn more than you eat. Boxing will help you to do this by burning a tonne of calories when you work out, but just like anything what you get out will be similar to what you put in.

If you do 3 or 4 days a boxing with maybe a day or two in the gym or some cardio outside the gym, you’ll be putting yourself in a good position to lose weight and get ripped.

The key with the diet to losing weight is the cut out the carbs and to get a lot of healthy protein and fats that will allow the muscle to build and repair itself.

Boxing For Weight Loss

Cutting out the carbs is important because carbs will turn into energy the most quickly and if it’s not burned for fuel it will convert into fat, removing the carbs from your diet makes it a lot more easy to lose the fat and get into great shape.

Eat steady flow of fruit, vegetables and good protein sources like lean meat and cut out useless carbs like bread, soft drinks and and just general rubbish food like takeaways if you’re serious about getting ripped with boxing.


Boxing will do it’s part if you put in the work, make sure you do your part in the kitchen with your diet.

How To Choose Muay Thai Shin Guards – Ultimate Buyers Guide

Shin guards are one of the first things you will have to buy when you start out on your Muay Thai journey, second only to a pair of gloves.

They are used for  sparring and  also used for Dutch style drills within the gym so you can’t really get too involved in Muay Thai without buying them.

If you have been training and have tried kicking a hard bag with your shin or even had a slight shin to shin contact with your friend in the gym, you will know how much it hurts to have a kick blocked.

Muay Thai shin pads provide a way for fighters to spar without this intense pain and still practice all kicks and blocks whether that’s in sparring or in dutch style drills.

Shin pads are also used for amateur fights to allow fighters to get used to competition without having to deal with really sore shins the next day.

There are a couple of things to keep in mind when buying to ensure that you get the most protection and bang for your buck.


Two types of shin pads

Leather With Velcro Straps

Generally speaking, there are two types of shin pads that you can choose from and one is vastly more popular than the other.

Leather or synthetic leather shin pads, with velcro straps are the one you will see all the time when it comes to training and these will be the ones that we recommend that you buy.

They offer thick protection so you don’t feel pain, even when you are sparring hard.

They come in all different shapes and sizes and offer different amounts of padding so it’s important to get the pair that suits you the best.

One of the biggest gripes that people have about this type is that they can move around during training if you don’t get the fit right and if they aren’t securely fitted to your shins and even if they are can still move around on occasion.


Cotton Sock Style Shin Pads

These are sock style shin pads and you wear them like you would a normal sock by putting your toes through and pulling them up to cover all of your ankles and shins.

The sock style shin pads, eliminate the problem of them getting misplaced during sparring as they are tightly fitted and secured so they can’t move around.

The main problem with the sock style pads, is that they don’t offer nearly as much protection so kicking and blocking can still hurt quite a bit and this can build up if your training day in and day out where your shins are bruised and you still need to spar.

These are useful for amateur fights as people get used to wearing less shin protection during contests and the pain won’t be as bad in the morning.

They are also used by MMA fighters who want to include the ground game as well as Muay Thai sparring and these provide enough flexibility and freedom to allow both kicking and the ground game in the same session.


Things To Consider Before Buying

As with most buying decisions in boxing or Muay Thai there’s usually a trade-off between speed and protection and finding the best balance for you is what is going to be most important as all shin guards will offer different amounts of padding and weight.

If you’re someone that likes to attack a lot then you will want to be fast and a lighter shin pad might suit you better and if you’re someone more focused on defence, a bigger pad might offer you more protection.


Wide vs Narrow

This is going to be a choice based on your body composition more than anything, if you are small and stocky with wide shins, then a pair with wider protection might suit you better like fairtex.

If you are tall and skinny like me, a more narrow and longer pair might suit you better like Top King.

In any event, it was best to do your research and find out which pair will suit you the best.


Toe and Ankle Protection

If you’re anything like me, who has suffered multiple toe breaks, you will want to keep your little soldiers safe and secure so it’s important to buy shin pad that offers complete protection for your foot or if you have any history of ankle injuries, that you get a guard that offers good protection for your ankles.


Choosing The Right Size

It can be easy to make a sloppy decision about the size, if you are large in t-shirt then you might just go for a large size in the shin guards too.

You have to keep in mind, that the sizes may run smaller, especially if they are made in Thailand and that you should check the size guide and measure out your foot so that you get the proper size for maximum protection.

Check out our best Muay Thai shin guards list we have included size guides as often as possible with each product, you just need to measure your own shins and legs to choose the best pair.


Authentic Thai Brands Are Best

The authentic brands that are handmade in Thailand are always going to be the best in our opinion. You want to get guards that are tried and tested over the years so that you know you’re getting good quality and that they will last for at least 2 years of heavy use.

When you go with the cheaper brands, you can run into problems like not having enough protection or the velcro straps on the back ripping off and that they will just wear down more easily over time.


Don’t Go With The Cheap Crap

Going with cheap shin guards can be an alluring option, especially when you see all the good reviews but just keep in mind that these companies can offer an incentive to give good reviews and it might not be a genuine reflection of how they hold up over time.

You usually get what you pay for there are plenty of  muay thai pads that have been tried and tested over the years and that we know are the best quality.


Choose The Best Materials – Leather If Possible

The thing about Muay Thai shin guards is that they will be subject to a lot of sweat, especially if you are in a hot climate but even if you are not as Muay Thai sparring is so intense that will bring on sweat almost every time. So shin guard makers prefer synthetic leather for the shin pads and it is not as important to have real leather as it is for the gloves.


Shin Pads Also Add Heat Because The Shins Sweat Profusely When Covered

When your shin pads are covered in sweat this is what causes them to break down, so if you go with the higher level materials like real genuine leather, they should hold up a lot better to the abuses of training over the long run.

It’s the strapping on the back that will go first due to the weathering so buying a pair that you know where this doesn’t happen is always advisable.


Choosing The Best Shin Pads

How Often Replace Your Shin Guards

I bought a pair of Top King shin pads in Thailand and the lasted me for close to 5 years, they were a real quality set and they took the tolls of heavy training, day in day out for a long time without ever breaking down.

If you’re training in a hotter climate, you will sweat a lot more and this will cause the leather to break down over time and you might have to replace your shin guards every 2 years if you are using them all the time or maybe even once every year if you’re training in Thailand.


How To Clean Your Shin Guards

Is important to wipe your shin guards down immediately after training when they are covered in sweat, to get as much of the moisture out as possible and you can leave them in the Sun as well to dry.

Your shin guards will probably end up covered in bacteria so you should spray disinfectant on them when you are wiping them down and that is the best way to ensure that they last as long as possible in good condition.


Can I Put My Shin Guards In The Washing Machine

Yes, it might be a good idea to put your Muay Thai shin guards in the washing machine once every month to give them a complete clean and if they’re made of leather then this won’t be a problem.

If they’re made of plastic you can always zip them up in a pillowcase and wash them that way, to try and avoid getting skin rash on your shins from dirty pads.


How Do You Keep Shin Guards From Smelling

The same way that you will maintain them to make sure they last long will also ensure that they don’t get smelly.

If you leave the shin pads to sit with all the sweat on them then they will definitely get smelly over time especially in a hot climate.

Using a Disinfectant wipe straight after training and then drying the shin pads as much as possible is the best way to keep them from smelling overtime.


Recommended Shin Guards

Muay Thai Shin Pads

There are plenty of highly respected Thai brands to choose from. You can go with the trusted names of Fairtex, Top King or Twins or you can also go with a newcomer like Venum who we consider to produce the best Thai shin pads on the market at the present moment.


Venum Elite Stand-Up Shin Pads

shin guard 5

What we really like about these Venums is that they are non slip, they come with a ton of different designs that are really attractive and they offer maximum protection for the shins and the toes.

They are not too wide and not too narrow and they offer plenty of protection so that you don’t feel any pain when you’re sparing and you don’t have any bruises left on your shins from hard blocks and kicks. They are also made of genuine leather for maximum comfort.

You get a variety of different sizes so check out the size guide here:

Check Out The Reviews Here:



Fairtex Muay Thai shin pads

shin guard 1

Fairtex are tried and tested as one of the leading brands of the past 10 years and you really can’t go wrong with their shin pads although they do suit a wider shin and offer complete protection all the way around the leg.

Fairtex are hand made in Thailand as always and they’ve been around for so long that we know exactly how they age and these are perfect shin pads for beginners and professionals alike.

They are nice and lightweight, come with a nice, simple design in various colours and they will cost between 50 and 70 dollars which is great value.

Check Out More Reviews Here:




Shin guards or something that will be with you for at least a year or two so it’s important to make the best choice possible and get that balance between speed and protection.

Try your friends at in the gym’s pairs if you can before you make a purchase to see what suits you the best and do as was much research as possible.

You can also check out our best Muay Thai shin pads of 2020 to see all the best pairs that we recommend.