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Should Boxing Be Taught In Schools – The Case For And Against

Kidss Boxing Classes

When a lot of people look at boxing, they just see violence. For those that know the sport, they see that it’s much more than that. It can be a wonderful way to build a level of confidence and discipline that you don’t get from other sports.

It’s helped to guide countless children and young adults away from a more troubled life and helped to give many kids, teenagers and adults alike, a great outlet for stress and frustration. Its benefits are clear with many links to producing less anti social behavior outside the ring.

It would be remiss to never mention the dangers that come with the sport. Far too often, there is much misinformation about the scale of those risks with little regard to the benefits which almost always far outweigh them. Boxing in schools is not the same as two professionals going toe-to-toe in the ring.

Many other sports carry risks but don’t have the same scrutiny as the sweet science. Here we look at the pros and cons to see whether boxing is a good idea, especially for kids. Let’s step into the hypothetical ring and see which argument comes out on top!

Benefits of Boxing for Kids

It’s Great Exercise, Progressive & Fun

For those that have ever tried boxing, they’ll know just how physically demanding it is. It’s a brilliant form of exercise and that’s been seen with the rise of ‘boxercise’ which is a high-intensity regime without the contact element of boxing.

Just using a punching motion will tire you out quickly and increase fitness levels. If your child plays another sport outside of school, this can have a great benefit for that too. Boxing requires extreme levels of fitness and children will only profit from that. It’s also progressive, meaning the more you practice the better you get and this can show kids the value fo hard work and dedication.


Teaches Discipline

Kids Boxing 6

Perhaps the biggest advantage of boxing is the increased discipline it can give. This is down to a couple of reasons. As we mentioned there, the level of fitness required in boxing means that to excel you need to control the rest of your environment which means that boxers eat, drink and sleep better than in other sports.

Also in boxing, the threat of being punched in the face gives you a much higher level of concentration and focus. It gives any boxer a drive to perfect their technique as you don’t want to make mistakes in boxing.


Teaches Respect For Oneself And Others

It always seems as though the more combative the sport, the more respect there is between opponents. Rugby is well known for its code of respect and the same can be said for boxing. Sharing a ring with an opponent is a unique feeling and one you never forget.

It requires courage, heart and dedication. Those qualities are universally respected and this can help to resolve issues outside the ring. In boxing, you have to respect your opponent and that can be a great learning curve for other areas of their life.


Vital Self Defense Skills, Especially For Girls

Kids Boxing 7

Everyone wants their children to be safe and sometimes it can be a scary world out there. Boxing gives children tools that they can use in any of those types of situations that you don’t even want to think about.

Being able to defend yourself, punch properly and avoid danger can all be hugely helpful. This can help to reduce bullying for everyone, enable girls to be more confident and allow parents to have greater peace of mind for their safety.


Kids Can Find Their Passion and a Hobby for Life

A lot of kids can miss out on opportunities to find a hobby that they love. While the likes of football and rugby are almost always played in schools, other sports are left behind which can be a huge shame.

The benefits of finding a hobby you love are clear. You have those physical benefits but also it can make them happier and give them more focus in life. Providing more opportunities in schools is always a good thing.


Provides an Outlet for Depression & Frustration

Kids Boxing Classes

Life can be difficult at times for children and school can bring on a lot of frustrations. Boxing can provide a brilliant outlet for frustrations. Being able to get rid of that stress with a few controlled punches can let off that steam which would otherwise be channeled elsewhere.

It can lead children away from getting in trouble as those frustrations could instead be put into petty crime or fights away from the boxing ring that can be a lot more dangerous. Boxing instead gives them a safe space and puts children in a better headspace.


Gets Kids Off Their Phones

Many parents will complain about their children being on their phones all the time but they do very little about it. Boxing gives children a chance to get out there and enjoy something they love doing, away from their screens.

Being in that social environment also allow them to develop friendships and improve their mental health. It will let them to connect with people in a different environment while having all the benefits we’ve looked at already.


Reduces Obesity and Health Problems

Obesity is a growing problem with children and it can be difficult to change their lifestyle. With boxing being such a physically demanding sport, it can increase the calories that they burn in a day quite dramatically.

That will then reduce the risks associated with obesity such as heart issues and diabetes, among many others. Other sports can be much more sedentary whereas boxing is a more full-on sport and quite demanding.



Can Allow Kids To Settle/Avoid Disputes With Sparring & Healthy Competition

Kids Boxing 2

Problems between children can manifest and spread through a school. This can fester and lead to problems including fist fights which will always happen. Allowing children to settle disputes or relieve tension in a boxing ring instead can be a much better idea due to how safe the environment will be.

Due to the lack of power children have, large gloves and head guards, the risks are minimal. Fights happen at school often and it’s a much better idea to get any angst out in a ring than kids fighting with their fists in the playground or outside of school.


Keeps Children Out Of Trouble, Violence and Gangs

Many boxers have credited boxing with turning their life around and giving them a focus in life. Anthony Joshua is such an example as he was in a gang and was placed on remand in prison for two weeks before he turned to boxing. This great interview shows the positive impact that boxing had on his life.

Teaching boxing in schools can help to turn children’s energy into something more positive before they ever get into a gang. Giving them that outlet with the dedication required can make their life a lot safer than it’d otherwise be.


Can Provide A Career in Boxing, Journalism or Online

Just because children develop an interesting in boxing it doesn’t mean that they’re going to become a professional. Finding love for a sport can lead them to use that passion in different ways rather than just being in a ring and in this digital ways, there a tons of ways to find a career whether it be youtube or running a print on demand store.

There is always the chance of not just being a professional boxer but also becoming a trainer, a journalist or a broadcaster which are just a few of the roles that are available. Boxing can give them an achievable aim that they otherwise wouldn’t have.


Develops Character

Kids Boxing 8

The world of boxing comes with plenty of ups and downs. You’ll make mistakes and have to learn from them quickly. This could be taking a loss, messing up your technique for forgetting some of the fundamentals of boxing.

This all helps to develop character and allows children to build up resilience when they have downs in other areas of their life. This can lead to a lot more stability and allow them to cope with other challenges a lot easier.


Increases Confidence

In team sports, kids are often picked last, not played with and can be left without any coaching. The individual aspect of boxing gives every child the same chance where they can improve and work at their own pace.

The inclusive aspect of boxing is better for their mental health and will increase confidence. It forces positive interaction without having those negatives associated with other sports. It all adds up to happier children.



Cons of Boxing for Kids


May Facilitate Bullying

There’s an argument to be made that boxing may facilitate bullying. It could give more aggressive children the chance to hit others which may be weaker. While that could be possible, the environment is closely controlled by a teacher or trainer.

If this was seen to be happening or there was an unfair contest then it could be stopped. With the respect of discipline that boxing teaches, it reduces the likelihood of this happening. It also gives a safe space for children who would otherwise be bullied to have a fair contest.


Not Everybody Would Be Interested

In any sport, you could have varying degrees of interest but there are ways to sort this. The sport as a whole could be optional or instead, you could have it that sparring between two children is optional with others simply learning craft and technique or practicing fitness and conditioning drills.

No children would need to be excluded but you’d find that a lot of children who may be apprehensive at first develop a love for the sport. The fighting element of boxing wouldn’t be forced on anyone. Also, there is light sparring when heavy shots aren’t permitted and everything is closely controlled.


Boxing Causes Concussions

Kids Boxing 5

When sparring, professional boxers use gloves that are often twice as heavy as their fighting gloves. In amateur boxing too, bigger gloves are used. This increased weight not only means more padding but it also reduces arm speed, and therefore less power.

Add in the fact that school-age children haven’t reached their peak level of strength and it all leads to a very safe environment. Concussion only becomes a more relevant issue in higher weight professional boxing.


It Will Cause Injury

Head guards can also be worn to prevent damage to the ears and cuts to areas such as the eyebrow. Together with those big gloves, it means a minimal amount of injuries and often sparring sessions will end with barely a red nose.

Compare that to football where leg injuries are very common. Basketball is well-known for dislocating fingers and the likes of hockey can lead to smashed teeth. When you look back and analyze it, boxing is one of the lowest risk sports for children.


It Promotes Violence

Kids Boxing 3

It’s a natural step to think that allowing children to be violent in the ring will lead to increased violence outside of it. What has been proven instead is that letting off that steam in the ring leads to calmness outside of it. As someone who is trained extensively, I always find that the people with no training are the least likely to cause trouble. For some reason, people with no training, seem to think they are very tough quite a lot.

As we mentioned, it’s a great outlet where disputes can be settled and stress can be washed away. Instead of promoting violence, boxing channels it into a safe environment where children are a lot safer.


Girls Are Excluded

Participation in boxing gyms may be higher for males but there is no reason for that to be the case. All the benefits that we have looked at above apply to all children. It could even be more beneficial for girls with the teaching of self-defense.

It can help to develop greater respect between boys and girls. There is also an ever-increasing number of women boxers to provide inspiration such as Katie Taylor and Claressa Shields, women’s boxing has never been in a better position. There’s no reason why girls won’t love it as much as boys.



They’ll Practice It At Home

Kids Boxing 4

Basic boxing equipment isn’t expensive and if your child wants to practice further at home, this doesn’t mean bare-knuckle fighting in the street.

All they’ll need are some large gloves and a punching bag to be able to work on their fitness and technique.


Should boxing be taught in schools? We say yes. When you look into the arguments against it they don’t hold up to scrutiny. When you start to look into the benefits, you see just how special the sport can be for so many children.

If your child goes to a school that doesn’t have boxing then explain the benefits and lobby for it. If you don’t have any luck, then there are brilliant boxing clubs available. Boxing allows children to express themselves in a way that many other sports don’t. Having it in schools would make them happier, healthier and keep them out of trouble.

Nate Diaz CBD Brand Review- Game Up CBD & Nutrition Products

CBD For Fighters Image

CBD – or cannabidiol – is becoming well-known for its celebrity endorsements. From actors to athletes around the world, we are seeing more and more people trying – and loving – CBD. One famous athlete who loves CBD so much that they now have their own CBD brand, is top UFC fighter, Nate Diaz.

Diaz’s ‘Game Up Nutrition’ is focussed particularly on people who are looking to use CBD as part of their sporting or active lifestyle, offering good quality, legal hemp CBD products designed specifically for sportspeople.

So, what’s the big deal? Are you sporty or a fighter yourself? Could CBD help you? And is it legal in the world of sport?

What is CBD?

The Entourage Effect In CBD

CBD is a cannabinoid that is naturally present in the hemp plant – which is part of the cannabis family. The hemp plant contains over 100 different compounds, but one of its major ones is CBD.

When CBD is taken it can affect the endocannabinoid system – a system in the body that helps to keep the body in a state of homeostasis – or balance.

The endocannabinoid system consists of cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced by the body itself). When they interact, the endocannabinoid system controls the level of certain chemicals in the body, which keep it working in good order.

There are a number of aspects to the body that is affected by the endocannabinoid system, including:

  • Pain management
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Anxiety and mood
  • Digestive system
  • Recovery
  • Anti Stress & Anxiety
  • Quality Sleep Aid

CBD and Sport

CBD For Runners

Due to some of the effects that CBD can have on the body, we are seeing increasing numbers of athletes using it.

Most people in sport use CBD as they believe that it can help to reduce inflammation, repair muscles and help them to sleep and rest well.

CBD can be taken in a capsule or edible form, oil sublingually, smoked or vaped, or rubbed into the skin topically.  The delivery method that you choose would depend on what you prefer as well as the reason why you are taking it.

Game Up Nutrition products have been specially designed mainly but not exclusively for use by those who are using their products for sporting reasons.

Legality of CBD

Hemp growing

Due to the fact that it comes from a plant in the cannabis family, it is important to be careful with CBD products. CBD is completely legal in the UK and the USA, but another cannabinoid – THC – or tetrahydrocannabinol, isn’t.

In the UK, the THC level must be below 0.3% for a product to be legal (0.2% in the Uk & Europe) and this is why CBD producers use industrial hemp for their products. Industrial hemp is a variety of cannabis that has been specially grown to contain very low levels of THC and higher levels of CBD as well as the terpenes, flavonoids and other legal cannabinoids.

This means that as long as your CBD products are bought from a reputable company that uses industrial hemp, they will be completely legal. The World Anti-Doping Agency also removed CBD from its list of banned products in 2018 so you are free to use it.

It is important to note, however, that if your CBD products are full or broad spectrum CBD, there is a chance of a trace of THC being present. Although it won’t be enough to make you high, there is a very small chance that THC might show up on a test.

Nate Diaz’s Game Up Nutrition has a good range of CBD products for athletes and other people as well as pets. So, if you’re thinking about trying some of them out, here’s all that you need to know about their range…

Game Up Nutrition 1000mg CBD Oil1000mg Game Up CBD Oil

The Game Up Nutrition 1000mg CBD oil is made from organic hemp and is lemon and lime flavour (flavoured using stevia – a natural sweetener to sweeten it). The bottle contains 30ml of CBD oil, giving you a total of 1000mg of CBD per bottle and costs $79.99.

The CBD is mixed with an MCT carrier oil of organic and sustainably produced coconut and palm oil to help it to be absorbed into the body more effectively.

CBD oil is most commonly taken by using the pipette provided to add drops under the tongue. You then keep it there for up to two minutes, where the CBD is absorbed through the lining of the mouth and goes directly into the blood vessels. This means that the CBD is absorbed quickly and gets to work within about 20 minutes.

You can also add your CBD oil to food – ideally baking mixes, sauces or soups. This will take longer to be absorbed (up to about two hours) as it is absorbed through the digestive system.

Ingredients: CBD Isolate Hemp Extract, MCT Oil, Lemon Oil, Lime Oil, Stevia


  • Organic and GMO-free
  • Easy to dose through the pipette provided
  • Third-party lab certificate provided online
  • Hemp is grown and harvested in the USA
  • Other terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids present
  • Less than 0.3% THC
  • Loyalty program
  • Shelf-life of up to a year if stored correctly
  • 30 day returns policy


  • Only one size bottle available
  • Only 1,000mg potency available
  • Need to check that THC levels are less than 0.2% in the UK
  • Returns shipping costs are non-refundable

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Game Up Nutrition CBD Balm

CBD Muscle Balm

Some of the cannabinoid receptors are found near to the surface of the skin meaning that it can also be applied on the skin. Many people use CBD after a workout to help to reduce the inflammation of muscles and joints – often reducing post-workout soreness. The Game Up Nutrition CBD balm contains 250mg of premium, organic hemp CBD in each 1.5 fl oz. or 42g pot, costing $39.99.

The balm also contains other ingredients that make it extra soothing and nourishing, including organic aloe, shea butter and essential oils, soothing muscles and joints, and aiding in repair.

The balm is to be rubbed into the skin on the affected area liberally, as and when you need it.

Ingredients: Organic MCT Oil, CBD Isolate, Organic Aloe, Organic Shea Butter, Organic Essential Oils (Eucalyptus, Peppermint & Tea Tree), Organic Menthol, Organic Beeswax


  • Completely organic
  • Cooling effect
  • Can be applied according to requirements
  • 30 day returns policy
  • Independent lab test certificate of analysis available
  • Made from good quality, US hemp


  • Only one balm type available
  • Only available in 1.5 fl oz pot
  • Returns shipping costs not paid
  • Not vegan

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Game Up Nutrition Pet CBD Oil

Game Up Pet Cbd Oil

It is not only people who have an endocannabinoid system and can benefit from CBD oil. Most mammals also do, and we are seeing an increasing number of people using it for their pets.

Many people are using CBD to try to help their pets with pain relief and anxiety – which can be especially useful if they are being put in stressful situations like travelling.

Game Up Nutrition’s pet CBD oil can be dropped directly into your pet’s mouth or added to food. It comes in a 15ml bottle – giving you a total of 500mg of CBD for $44.99. The CBD oil is peanut butter flavoured, making it a firm favourite amongst our four-legged friends.

The CBD oil is made from non-GMO, organic, US hemp and is mixed with organic and sustainable MCT oil made from coconut and palm oil. Dosages are usually calculated according to the size of the animal.

Ingredients: Full Spectrum CBD Hemp Extract, MCT Oil, Organic Peanut Butter Oil, Stevia


  • Organic and non-GMO hemp
  • Easy to dose with dropper
  • Pleasant flavour for pets
  • Made using sustainable ingredients
  • 30 day returns policy
  • Certificate of analysis available online


  • Only one flavour available
  • Only one strength available
  • Only 15ml bottle available
  • Check the potency of THC is less than 0.3% In USA

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Game Up Nutrition CBD Pre-Roll Hemp Joint

Gamu Up Pre Roll Hemp

For those who like to smoke, All Game Nutrition’s CBD pre-roll hemp joint could be for you. The joints are made from quality, organic hemp flowers, rolled with unbleached, vegan paper, for $10.99 each.

Smoking your CBD hemp enables your body to absorb the CBD almost instantaneously through the lungs, and the joints contain no tobacco – meaning that it is healthier for you than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

There are three different hemp varieties to choose from – each with their own combination of cannabinoids, giving different effects, different flavours, and different aromas:

  1. Special Sauce (Hybrid) 0.222% THC, 15.091% CBD
  2. Hawaiian Haze (Hybrid) 0.163% THC, 14.175% CBD
  3. Sour Space Candy (Hybrid) 0.128% THC, 12.168% CBD

Each joint weighs 0.75g and comes in a handy travel tube – and as you can see from the cannabinoid breakdown above, are all legal in the USA. The Special Sauce joint, however, is not legal in the UK.

Ingredients: Hemp flower, unbleached vegan rolling paper


  • Absorbed into the bloodstream quickly
  • Range of strains available
  • Certificate of analysis available
  • Healthier than smoking tobacco
  • Organic, non-GMO hemp
  • 30 day returns policy
  • You can order as many pre-rolled joints as you like
  • Vegan


  • Only two of the three strains are legal in the UK
  • Be aware that the smell of a hemp joint is very similar to a high THC joint
  • Any kind of smoking can damage your health
  • Returns shipping costs not paid

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Game Up Nutrition CBD Lip Balm

CBD Lip Balm

At $7.99, Game Up Nutrition’s CBD lip balm gives you 5mg of quality, organic CBD per 0.15 oz (4g) tube. CBD can work with the cannabinoid receptors in the skin to help to protect your lips from dryness, and alongside the other ingredients in the lip balm which include almond oil and shea butter, that can keep them soft and nourished.

The lip balm is organic and vegan, as well as being free from pthalates, parabens, and sulphates. It can be used as little or often as you like or feel necessary.

Ingredients: Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Almond) Oil, Capric/Caprylic Triglycerides, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Candellia (Euphorbia Cerifera) Wax, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil And Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Extract, Rosa Canina (Rose Hip) Seed Oil, Tocopherol, Lecithin, Flavouring Oil


  • Pleasant fragrance
  • Vegan
  • Natural flavourings
  • Can be used as much as you like
  • Organic
  • A third-party certificate of analysis available
  • Cruelty-free
  • Full-spectrum CBD


  • Only one fragrance available
  • Only 0.15 oz tube available
  • Returns shipping costs not paid
  • No discount for multiple buys

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Game Up Nutrition High CBD Hemp Flower

Game Up CBD Flower

If you enjoy rolling your own CBD hemp joint – or adding it to food to make extra-healthy edibles, you can also get Game Up Nutrition’s high CBD hemp flowers. The flowers that are available are the same strains as those which are available in the pre-rolled joints:

  1. Hawaiian Haze hemp flower (14.175% CBD, 0.163% THC), is uplifting and has a floral aroma with hints of citrus and pineapple – 1/8 or 3.5g is $39.99
  2. Sour Space Candy hemp flower (12.168% CBD, 0.128% THC), is energetic and uplifting and has strong tones of citrus and tropical fruits with an earthy flavour – 1/8 or 3.5g is $39.99
  3. Special Sauce hemp flower (15.091% CBD, 0.222% THC), brings “balanced motivation” whilst helping to calm, with “sweet and hoppy aromas” and an “earthy berry” flavour – 1/8 or 3.5g is $39.99

All of the hemp flowers are grown in organic conditions in Oregon, USA, cured for four weeks and then machine and hand-trimmed. There are third party lab test certificates available which will give you a complete breakdown of all of the compounds in each strain.

It is important to notice that the ‘Special Sauce’ variety has over 0.2% THC and would therefore not be legal in the UK.


  • Selection of three different strains
  • Flexibility to use as much or little as you like per joint
  • High CBD, low THC
  • Organically grown
  • 30 day returns policy
  • Certificate of analysis easily available online


  • Only two strains legal in the UK
  • We would like to see more strains available!
  • No discount for higher quantities
  • Be aware that the smell of a hemp joint is very similar to a high THC joint

Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Nate Diaz Cbd Smoking

Nate Diaz’s Game Up Nutrients CBD products are an appealing product for many people, but especially those who are looking to try CBD in relation to their sporting activities. They are not only branded to appeal to sportspeople, but their products have been designed to be useful to them.

The Game Up Nutrients range includes CBD oil, balm, and flowers which can be smoked, giving you a number of options, according to what you are using it for.

It is important to note that although CBD is non-addictive, safe and has no long-term side effects, it can affect how your body processes certain medications. This means that it could have the result of making some medication more effective than your doctor intended. It is therefore important that if you are taking medication, you speak to your doctor before trying CBD.

If you are looking to follow in Nate Diaz’s footsteps, are wanting to try CBD for another reason, or think that your pet could benefit from it, the Game Up Nutrients range is a great place to start – so why not give it a go?


Check Out Game Up Nutrition Here:


Hottest Female Boxers Of 2020 – Loads Of Sexy Images

Sexy Female Boxers

We have compiled the top ten sexiest female boxers of 2020 to raise awareness for these young ladies and for the enjoyment of everybody. Female boxing has never been in a better position and we love and respect every single lady that steps into the ring to compete in the sweet science. Check out the kist and comment below

1. Avril Mathie (Click For Slideshow)

Avril Mathie tops the list and she is absolutely smoking hot. Signed with MTK Global and with a 5 and 1 record. She hails from Sydney and resides in Miami Florida. Avril Mathie is a 10/10 knockout inside and outside the ring and our sexiest female boxer of 2020.

Check out her Instagram here:


2 Monica Henao

Monica Henao is a sizzling hot Columbian model turned professional boxer who leaves everybody admiring her amazing physique. She is currently 2-1-3 out of 6 fights and she generates huge interest in her fights with her super hot looks and charms.

Check Out Her Instagram Here:


3. Amanda Serrano

Amanda Serrano will need no introduction to many. A P4p top womens fighter for Puerto Rico, she is an absolute hottie. This southpaw is 38-1 with 28 Kos and multiple world titles. She is widely tipped for a bout with Katie Taylor and she is absolutely gorgeous to boot.

Check out her Instagram here:

4. Ebanie ‘Blonde Bomber’ Bridges

Professional Boxer, Maths Teacher and Fitness Model, The Blonde Bomber ticks all the boxes we are looking for in a hot female boxer and she can fight, amassing 3 wins out of 3 so far in her pro career. We can wait to see her step into the ring again.

Check out her Instagram here:


5. Christina ‘Lady’ Hammer

Christina Hammer is a sexy female boxer. Hailing from Germany, she recently fought Clarissa Shields for the undisputed championship of the world. She is a top fighter with the looks to match her skills in the ring. She bounced back with a victory following her defeat to Shields and we want to see as much of Christina as possible in 2020.

Check out her Instagram here:

6. Jessica McCaskill

Jessica McCaskill has beauty and brains. This well known world champion resides in Chicago, Illinois and has a record of 8-3. She fought Katie Taylor and is smoking hot inside and outside the ring.

Check out her Instagram here:

7. Marlen Esparza

Marlen Esparza is 8-1 in the ring and 10/10 outside of it. The Houston, Texas native has Mexican roots and she is a stunner inside and outside the ring.

Check out her Instagram here:


8. Mariana Barby Juarez

Mariana Barby Juarez will need no introduction to many, the veteran WBC Bantamweight champ is one of the hottest female boxers and she is top class inside the ring as well.

Check out her Instagram here:


9. Ewa Whalstrom

Ewa Whalstrom is a legendary Swedish champ who held the women’s WBC belt for many years and she is still active today. Ewa is hugely popular around the world and is not hard to see why.

Check out her Instagram here:


10. Cecilia Braekhus

Cecilia ‘The First Lady’ Braekhus needs no introduction the world over. She has fought some of the best competition and she is smoking hot. Cecilia comes from Columbia but lives in Norway, she is undefeated and may even fight Christina Cyborg in the near future.

Check out her Instagram here:

11. Hollie Dunaway

Holly Dunaway AKA Hot Stuff is absolutely smoking hot and carries a record of 23-11 with 3 Kos. She resides in Las Vegas Nevada and we could watch her train and fight all day long without issue

Check out her Instagram here:

12. Zulina Munoz

Zulina Munoz has something about her, she is a beautiful Mexican fighter with 10/10 looks and a killer instinct inside the ring.

Check out her Instagram here:

13. Shannon Courtney

Shannon Courtney completes the list and she is a real hottie who can fight. The London, Uk native is a top fighter and she has explosive beauty outside the ring.

Check out her Instagram here:


We hope you enjoyed the list and if we missed any sexy female boxers, let us know in the comments below.


***Disclaimer – We found these images freely available on Google and Instagram. Please get in touch if you want any images removed***





WATCH: McGregor Caught CHEATING Again As New Video Emerges

McGregor Billion Dollar Strut

Conor McGregor made the headlines for all the right reasons recently after beating Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone n under a minute, but unfortunately, he is in the news again as new footage emerged that appears to show him asleep in a room with a woman who is listening to a song with some dodgy lyrics before shes a gesture with her hand suggesting that Conor performed a lude act on her.

Take A Look At The Video Here:


The video may put Conor in the bad books with the public again as he has a wife Dee Devlin and 2 kids at home. We love to see Conor make the news for the right reasons but he has given us plenty of reasons not to love him as the fighting pride of Ireland with Katie Taylor taking that mantle with many Irish Fight Fans


McGregor’s Win Over Cerrone At UFC 246

McGregor v Cerrone

Conor Blasted the ageing Cowboy Cerrone out of the Octagon in under a minute just less than a month ago on the 19th of January, breaking his nose with unorthodox shoulder strikes before finishing him off on the ground to return to glory in the eyes of the UFC and looked to many that he had matured and become a stronger man.

Conor was coming back from a long layoff having been beaten by Khabib Nurmagomedov and possibly setting up a rematch with him in the near future although Khabib said it is a fight that he is not interested in.

It is clear that Conor likes to drink and find different girls to sleep with after his major wins and losses and we wonder what kind of effect this is going to have on McGregor’s life at home and his marriage. Conor has achieved beyond his wildest dreams and it looks like he needs to come to terms fully with this new level of success.


McGregor Smashes Old man in Irish Pub

McGregor also made the news last year when an elderly man refused to drink his Whiskey and McGregor responded by punching him in the head. The old man took it well at it is believed to have been settled out of court.


McGregor Smashes Up Khabib’s Bus

In an act unjustified ‘Retribution’ over a few words that Khabib had with Artem Lobov, McGregor and his crew smashed up the UFC bus containing Khabib Nurmagomedov  and various other high profile fighters which led to his arrest on minor charges but he was lucky it wasn’t much worse and the American authorities wouldn’t have been so lenient which could have led to the end of McGregor’s time in the USA. Rose Namajunas filed for


Possible Bout With Manny Pacquiao

McGregor V Pacqiuao
Story have recently surfaced that McGregor was expected to box against Manny Pacquiao in a high profile bout and we could only see that fight ending in a knockout for Pacquiao who has the power to punish McGregor in a way that Floyd Mayweather couldn’t when he had to settle for a late stoppage when McGregor Gassed.

Despite this video surfacing, McGregor remains in a very strong position and if he can keep it together outside of the Octagon or ring, he should be able to command some big paydays in the near future.



Billy Joe Saunders Next Opponent Announcement Imminent Following Cryptic Facebook Post

Billy Joe V Canelo

Billy Joe Saunders has stirred the pot today, insisting that a fight announcement is going to be made shortly and it has fight fans licking their lips as to who the opponent could be.

Billy Joe had a rather inactive 2019 but he did become the first gypsy to win a world title twice and in two weight divisions when he fought Shefat Isufi for the WBO Super Middle Weight title in his home town of Stevenage in May and followed that up by knocking out a cab driver in Marcelo Coceres on the undercard for the rematch of Logan Paul & KSI in a bout that was meant to serve as a tune up for this massive fight.

Billy Joe Tweet
Billy Joe Recent Facebook Post

Billy Joe has been calling out the big names for years and we can genuinely hope that Billy Joe is referring to a lucrative bout against a huge name in boxing, Saul ‘Canelo’ Alvarez. It is said that Billy might even have to travel to Mexico to get this fight and he has stated that he is willing to do just that in what would be similar to when Martin Murray took on Sergio Martinez in front of 100,000 fans in the rain in Argentina.

If Billy Joe got this it would be the fight of his career and the big pay day he has been looking for. It’s hard to say that Billy Joe doesn’t deserve the fight after travelling to Canada and humiliating David Lemieux in front of his own fans in late 2018.

Billy Joe Saunders

Fans of Billy Joe will say he has got that Mayweather style that can cause Canelo problems and the slick counter punching southpaw style of Billy Joe certainly makes for an interesting match up.

Canelo himself is on the hunt for a new opponent after an impressive winning streak including two wins against Golovkin, beating Daniel Jacobs, destroying Rocky Fielding and recently stopping Sergey Kovalev.

Canelo currently holds the WBA Middleweight world title and he is definitely looking for an opponent for a big summer showdown with Billy Joe certainly in the hat to be his next opponent, in a fight he has been calling for for years.

Reports were also circulating that Gennady Golovkin could be in line for a third crack at the whip but we don’t see the public appetite for that fight being as strong as it is for the Canelo Saunders match up which we see as a real 50/50 contest.

Billy Joe Saunders vs Callum Smith

Callum Smith

Other fighters that Billy Joe could be talking about are Callum Smith who is the undisputed Super Middleweight champion after beating George Groves in the Super 6 final and following it up with an impressive win in June Against Hassan N’jikam and a shaky win in his hometown of Liverpool in November where he didn’t perform at his best.

Billy Joe Saunders Vs Gennady Golovkin


This is also a fight that Billy Joe has wanted for a long time and it is one that I see him having a very good chance of winning if he can avoid the power of Golovkin in what would be a real bull vs matador contest.

Other fighters that Billy could be matched with include Daniel Jacobs, Demetrius Andrade and even Chris Eubank Jnr if worst comes to worst.

Whatever happens we are going to be rooting for Billy Joe 100% in whatever fight he has coming up and there is a pool of Middleweights all looking for big fights so we hope they all get made soon.

Billy Joe and Aidan

I had the pleasure of meeting Billy Joe myself in Belfast at the Tyson Fury vs Pianeta fight and he couldn’t be more of a gentleman. Looking forward to hearing the news as it unfolds.

Check Out Billy Joe’s Fight Highlights Here:

Terri Harper Dethrones Ewa Whalstrom To Become World Champion

Terri Harper Becomes World Champion

The 5 year WBC super featherweight championship reign of Ewa Wahlstrom came to an end on Saturday night (8th Feb) after a scintillating performance from the new champion Terri Harper.

Harper started sharply in the fight winning the opening two rounds before Ewa staged a gallant comeback in rounds 3-5.

It was the London woman’s fight though as she moves to 10-0 and realises her dream to become a world champion.

Harper was calm and relaxed throughout the fight and she dropped Whalstrom with a flash knockdown in the 7th and she had her in trouble again in the 8th which almost guaranteed she would win the fight on points.

Whalstroms only other loss came against Katie Taylor by decision and at 39 this could very well be the end of the line for Whalstrom.

There will be no doubt that Katie Taylor will be watching on with interest at Terri Harper as a future opponent down the line.

Katie Taylor has a much anticipated bout with Amanda Serrano possibly coming up in the summer, the future of women’s boxing has never been in a better place. The two minute rounds seem to whizz by and women’s boxing is gaining momentum at a rapid rated.

The margins on the card were wide in the end 99-90 99-90 and 98-91 as Terri Harper becomes a star in the Uk.

Impressive performance on the night in Sheffield from Martin J Ward who goes onto challenge for a world title.

Stoppage win for Dave Allen against Dorian Darch and a masterclass for Kid Galahad who puts himself back in the shop window for a world title.

Kell Brook also dominated De Luca and puts himself in the window for a world title shot also.

We look forward to seeing this bright young stars future going forward.